Arts + Entertainment, Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

On the Edge

A.J. Young Outfits the North State…On an early summer evening, local designer A.J. Young’s first line of swimwear kicked off Redding Fashion Alliance’s DamGood Summer fashion show. The models –Read More
Arts + Entertainment, Community, Life + Leisure

Pumpkin Patch

All Things Pumpkin with Catherine Hunt…Visiting Enjoy the Store on an early fall afternoon, my mom at once spots a beautiful stuffed fabric pumpkin that would look perfect amongst allRead More
Community, Education

Live to Learn

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Chico State…Learning never stops for those who take on the identity of lifelong learner. Sometimes, though, the opportunities to learn, especially with others, can feelRead More

Strong as Steel

Gerlinger Steel in Redding…Gerlinger Steel & Supply Co. has been a sturdy and steady presence in downtown Redding for 93 years and it has played a role in iconic NorthernRead More
Food + Dining

At the End of the Road

Harrison’s California Chestnuts in Gridley…You’ve likely heard the lyric popular in “The Christmas Song” about “chestnuts roasting on an open fire” that conjures up feelings of warm hugs on coldRead More

What Lies Beneath

The Town of Kennett, Under Shasta Lake…Like generations before her, Myra Buteau moved West to discover a new life in Shasta County. Not in search of gold or copper, likeRead More

My Town – Rory Greek

Vice President | Financial Advisor The Pathfinder Group RBC Wealth Managementmy town: amazingWhen I moved to Redding in 2008, I came for a great job opportunity and a shot atRead More
Food + Dining

What’s Cookin’ – Apple Blackberry Crisp

There’s something comforting about the smell of baking a crisp full of fresh fruit combined with cinnamon and vanilla. From start to finish, this easy recipe will have you enjoyingRead More

Downtown Details – September

Thank You for Supporting Downtown Redding Businesses!It seems like summers last longer in Northern California, and temperatures stay high well into September. “Heat island effect” refers to higher temperatures inRead More
Health + Beauty

Naturally Strong

Optimum Health in the California Adventure District…One of the valuable lessons we are learning during this season is the importance of building a strong, natural immune system. Luckily for us,Read More
Food + Dining

Spicy & Tangy Goodness

5-Minute Chimichurri…The first time. I tasted the garlicky, spicy and tangy goodness of chimichurri sauce was in an Argentinian restaurant in Mexico. It was served alongside my order of flankRead More
Food + Dining

The Creative Juices Flowing

Siskiyou County’s Lucky Rock Wine Co…Raised by prospector parents in the remote reaches of Siskiyou County, brothers Aaron and Jesse Inman didn’t come from the generational wealth or education thatRead More
Arts + Entertainment

But First, Coffee

Jim Milestone’s Coffee House Paintings…In less than a year, Jim Milestone painted a series of 14 artworks featuring each of the local independent coffee shops in Redding. His love ofRead More
Life + Leisure

It Takes a Village

Unique N’ Shabby Chic Boutique…One of the best compliments Michele Brown has received – and there have been many – for her large and eclectic shop, Unique ‘N Shabby ChicRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

From the Ashes

Siskiyou County Lava Belt…From Redding, a straight shot up Interstate 5 into Siskiyou County reveals a geologic wonderland. “If you look at I-5 as being the dividing line, the westernRead More
Health + Beauty

Hair Apparent

All in the Family at Shasta School of Cosmetology…When DJ Hambelton’s grandfather injured his hip while working in a Colorado rock quarry in the 1950s, he landed on beauty schoolRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Biking the Bizz

Enjoy the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail…On a sunny summer midweek afternoon, my boyfriend Jason and I are on the corner of Main Street and Gay in downtown Susanville, waitingRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Past & Future

The Revitalization of Redding’s South City Park…With a firm handshake and warm look in his eye, John Tasello leaned in across the table. “I gotta tell ya.” I pulled inRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Environmental Education

When Learning Comes Naturally…Students at Dunsmuir Elementary School sometimes take detours from the normal classroom experience. For example, they might pretend they’re banana peels headed for the compost pile inRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Back to Our Roots

Redding Roots Revival…Like the two dozen other artists who will be joining her for the third Redding Roots Revival festival, Megan Slankard can’t wait to take the stage and perform.Read More

My Town – Ashlee Smith

DO, Pediatrics Neonatal Intensive Care Mercy Medical Centermy town: genuineAlthough I was neither born nor raised here, Redding is my town. I landed here by way of a job recruiterRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

This Land

Shasta Land Trust…THIS MONTH, Enjoy spoke with Paul Vienneau, executive director of the Shasta Land Trust, about its role in environmental stewardship and land conservation within the region.ENJOY: How doRead More
Food + Dining

What’s Cookin’ – Cheesecakes Unlimited Feta Chicken Salad

August 2022 Recipe…One of the toughest decisions a person can make in the summer is which salad to enjoy at Cheesecakes Unlimited. Fortunately, their chefs have shared the recipe forRead More