Arts + Entertainment
Music Fest
Mt. Shasta Summer Concert Series…The Sumday evening concerts at the foot of Mt. Shasta started in 2014 as a way to get the word out about the Gateway Trail project,Read More
Food + Dining
Made to Thrive
Alua’s Thrive Bar in Mt. Shasta…Mount Shasta has a longstanding reputation around the world as a place of awakening and healing. Now, it has a downtown health and wellness barRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community
Art Scene
Karlo Henry and Art for Everyone…Thirty minutes into a three-month art show and people were clearing out the walls. It felt like an auction hall. Viewers shot up fistfuls ofRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
To the Extreme
Xtreme Adventure Rentals Takes the Hassle out of Maintenance…If you’re looking for fun ways to get out in the mountains or on the lake thissummer, then Xtreme Adventure Rentals inRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors
My Town – Doug Cole
Mountain Marble Dude Ranchmy town: bondedWhen I was 14, my family moved to California and I was introduced to California whitewater rafting through my local Boy Scout troop. Repeated tripsRead More
A Time to Discover
The American Cancer Society’s Discover Shop…The American Cancer Society’s Discovery Shops support the fight against cancer through the sale of high-quality, new and gently used merchandise donated by the community.Read More
Food + Dining
Tabbouli preparation is different for everyone. This recipe is one that my Lebanese grandmother used to make when I was a child, and my siblings and I would make itRead More
Downtown Details – June 2022
Thank you for Supporting Downtown Redding Businesses!Successful communities always have a plan for the future. The truth is, failing to plan simply means planning to fail. It is difficult toRead More
Food + Dining
Signature Combo
Bacon Burger Dogs…Every chef has a specialty – a signature dish he or she is proud to serve to friends and family. Over time, culinary artists experiment with ingredients, perfectingRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Backyard Adventure
Explore Shasta County – CAD Visitors Guide…With 3,800 square miles of territory, Shasta County is one very large outdoor adventure playground, and with a population density of about 46 peopleRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors
Public Space
The Creation of Paul Garrison Picnic Pavilion in Fort Jones…Forgotten and unused places in cities and towns present the perfect opportunity to reimagine public space and how it’s consumed. SuchRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors
Ride On
Norcal Boomtown BMX Rides Again…On a recent Friday night, a handful of kids of all ages and their parents are gathered at the NorCal Boomtown BMX track at Margaret PolfRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community
The Sounds of Summer
The Mosquito Serenade Summer Concert Series…The Mosquito Serenade began in 1982 with a man, a jam and a plan to make musical performances a staple at Anderson River Park. ThisRead More
Vanishing Breed
Dunsmuir Hardware Store Owner Ron McCloud…In an era of big box stores and online ordering, there’s a 128-year-old store in Dunsmuir where you can walk right in and buy thatRead More
Life + Leisure
House, Beautiful
Copper & Clay Co. in Red Bluff…When Charlene and Kelly Troehler landed in Red Bluff following Charlene’s husband’s CalFire promotion and relocation, it didn’t take long for them to getRead More
Food + Dining
Good Grain
David Krell’s Running Rabbit Mills…It might not seem like the most obvious career trajectory to go from engineer to wheat miller, but that’s part of what makes David Krell ofRead More
Arts + Entertainment
Catch A Wave
Keeping the Music Playing with Sound Wave Jam Pad…Live Music is such a big part of Donnie Red’s life that he was not about to let the pandemic get betweenRead More
Sun Struck
Learn Something New with Sundial Tours…Her name is Sundial Bridge. Turtle Bay Exploration Park tour guides will tell you her height is 217 feet, her length 720 feet, width 23Read More
Health + Beauty
Summer Vibes
Beauty Basic for Your Summer of Fun…Wait for it.. it’s coming… that feeling. Like a sigh of relief after a stressful day, summer is here. Finally. The days are longer,Read More
My Town – Don Burton
Radio DJ – K-Shasta 104.3my town: one of the bestAlthough I’ve lived in other places, including Sacramento and Boulder, Colo., Redding will always be my town. I was born rightRead More
Focus on Youth
Pathways to Hope’s Redding Teen Center…Pathways to Hope for Children has opened a new and much-needed Redding Teen Center modeled after its successful predecessor, the Anderson Teen Center, which celebratedRead More
Food + Dining
Mother’s Day Punch
This easy-to-make punch is a great addition to a Mother’s Day luncheon and it only requires a few ingredients. You can alter it to your taste and make it withoutRead More
Downtown Details – May
Thank you for Supporting Downtown Businesses!Downtown Redding is putting in new sidewalks to make a pedestrian- friendly district. Over the past few months, TikTok users have been talking about theRead More