Title Image with Eagle Perched on Sign at Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge
Recreation + Outdoors

Take Refuge

Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge…Established in 1928 1928 by President Calvin Coolidge “as a preserve and breeding ground for wild birds and animals,” the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge offersRead More
Title Image with Field of Poppies in the Background
Recreation + Outdoors

Practically Picture Prefect

The California Poppy…Can you name California’s official state mineral? State fossil? How about the state lichen?Hmmm. Not so easy. But odds are you know California’s state flower. California poppy (EschscholziaRead More
Title Image with Horse Tour Crossing a River
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

All Things Horse Related

Cottonwood Creek Equestrian CenterA Northern California’s gathering place for anything horse-related, Cottonwood Creek Equestrian Center prides itself on keeping happy, healthy horses.The full-service equestrian boarding and training center has beenRead More
Picture of Michele McEntire

My Town – Michele McEntire

Owner, Founder and Operator Elite Barre Fitness Studiomy town: making memoriesMy love for Shasta Lake began around 6 months old, when my parents spent weekends and vacations on Slaughterhouse Island.Read More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Garden Party

Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens…In a forested canyon not far from Interstate 5, white dogwoods open their buds, Shasta lilies dot the hillsides and fragrant Western azaleas scent the air, signaling theRead More
Food + Dining

Shameless Irish Nachos

St. Patrick’s Day is upon us, and these Irish nachos offer a fun twist for folks who enjoy a traditional nacho plate. You can find them at Shameless O’Leery’s, orRead More

Downtown Details

Downtown Redding is a Main Street America Designated District. Over the past several years, Viva Downtown Redding has operated a program that builds on Downtown assets to encourage investment andRead More
Food + Dining

Life’s a Picnic

Delicious Cold Fried Chicken…We’ve all heard the old saw, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” For the glass-half-empty folks, March means windy, unpredictable weather.Read More
Recreation + Outdoors

Seek and Explore Adventure Land

Shasta County’s Great OutdoorsWith almost 3,800 square miles of an outdoor adventure playground, Shasta County is the fourth-largest county in the California Adventure District, behind Siskiyou (6,200), Lassen (4,500) andRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Patterns of History

Connecting Communities with Barn Quilts…Barn quilts have told stories about rural America for hundreds of years. A type of folk art, farmers once painted these large, quilt-like blocks on theirRead More
Arts + Entertainment


Mt. Shasta Shorts with Filmmaker Autie Carlisle…When it comes to “unfinished” art, many people are prone to dismiss it as work that is simply unfinished. But over the last 200Read More
Community, Life + Leisure

State of the Art

3D-Printing Technology for Houses Comes to Northern California…A pair of Redding businessmen are adopting state-of-the-art 3D-printing technology to help address the chronic shortage of affordable housing in the North State.AsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Saddle Up

Saddle Time Retreats Cycling Experiences…They say time flies when you’re having fun. This goes doubly true, they say, if they are having fun flying down one of the many bicycleRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Trail Time

Take a Stroll on the Sisson-Callahan TrailA transplanted easterner and some early tourists to the Mount Shasta region are to thank for one of the great hiking experiences around here.InRead More
Health + Beauty

Perfectly Simple

Simple Living Co. Seeks Sustainability…“We want to see Redding be a sustainable economy. We hope that when we step away, that’s what we’ve helped to build. We want to encourageRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

I Choose Archery

Take Aim with Ishi Archery…About two and a half miles up Highway 36 East from Highway 99 in Red Bluff is one of the state’s oldest archery clubs, a placeRead More
Community, Education

The League

LWV, Redding Area: An Integral Part of Women’s History Month…As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we are grateful for progress made over the last century. And one of the mostRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

In the Spring of Things

Small Steps For a Fresh StartSpringtime. It’s the fresh start we’ve waited all winter for. The air is laden with newness. The birds are singing their sweetest songs. The grassRead More
Picture of Phillip Moller. Community Cultivator inf Red Bluff CA.

My Town: Phillip Moller

Community Cultivator Red Bluffmy town: champion for changeRed Bluff has a lot of people who make our tiny town feel big. They are the agents of change, volunteering many hoursRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Call of the Wild

Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation… In all seasons and circumstances – including raging wildfires and a pandemic – the all-volunteer team at Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation dedicates itself toRead More
Food + Dining

Violet Evergarden

Looking for a unique signature wedding cocktail or a tasty Valentine’s Day treat? Look no further than this elegant, eye-catching beauty. Don’t let the arresting purple color fool you. ThisRead More

Downtown Details

Thank you for supporting downtown Redding Businesses!Last year saw the unveiling of many new murals in Downtown Redding. Community murals are a mode of expression for artists in every graphicRead More
Food + Dining

Lobster Tails

Lobster Macaroni and Cheese…For many of us, Valentine’s Day dinner means getting a reservation at a fancy restaurant and forking over more money than you normally do for a deliciousRead More