Food + Dining
Whats Cookin’ – Post Office Saloon Crab Cakes
April 2023 Recipe…Crab cakes can taste like a delicacy, but they’re quite easy to make at home. The fine folks at the Post Office Saloon were kind enough to shareRead More
Food + Dining
A Taste of the Wild West
Dutch Oven Cowboy Stew…Cowboy stew—or chuckwagon stew or campfire stew – is a traditional dish that has its roots in the American West. It originated with cowboys and other workersRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors
You Know the Drill
Scott Valley Drill Team…The wild west may be awash in images of a lone rider and horse, but being an equestrian can also be a team sport. Just ask KatieRead More
Life + Leisure
Let’s Roll
Shasta Classics Car Club…For more than 30 years, Shasta Classics Car Club has provided a space for members to meet up and chat about their old cars. In the wordsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Take it Out Back
The Backcountry Horsemen of California Redwood Unit…A picture posted to Facebook shows 13 horses and 12 riders standing tall with their horses in front of the famous Carson Mansion inRead More
Life + Leisure
In His DNA
A New Project for Steve Wallace to Work Mustang Magic…A line of classic cars spans for a literal mile. Ten thousand attendees show up every day. 1950s-style sunglasses, enough toRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors
All for the Hall
Prorodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy…When the Prorodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy opened in 1979 in Colorado Springs, Colo., it hadRead More
Get Fired Up
Anderson Fire Department’s Historic Engines…Wayne Peabody knew two things early in life: He wanted to be a firefighter and that he was mechanically inclined. So it was a natural fitRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Hail to the King
Triple Crown Winner RC Landingham…The rodeo world has had plenty of opportunity in the last two years to find the eastern Shasta County community of Hat Creek on a map.Read More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure
Painting Perfection
Jim Tyner, Car Painter…Jim Tyner rattles off his latest projects with the ease of an old-school body and paint guy: “I just finished a ’55 Chevy in royal blue withRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors
75 Years in the Making
Redding Rodeo Set to Celebrate 75th Anniversary…Red Rock was the right bull at the right time and Lane Frost was the perfect cowboy for the situation at hand when theRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors
What I Enjoy – J. B. Stacy
J. B. StacyGeneral Manager – Red Bluff Round-UpWhat I enjoy most about the North State and why: I love the fact that it is small-town America, but I can beRead More
Community, Education
Girl Power
Girls Inc. of the Northern Sacramento Valley…This month, Enjoy sat down with Heather Kelnhofer, executive director of the girls’ leadership program at Girls Inc. of the Northern Sacramento Valley.Enjoy: WhatRead More
Food + Dining
What’s Cookin’ | Gouda, Ham, and Tomato Pasta
Want a pasta dish with a delightful and flavorful change-up? You can serve this recipe as a full meal or have as a side dish year round, serving warmed forRead More
Food + Dining
Legendary Classic
Chicken Tetrazzini…Chicken Tetrazzini – the classic pasta dish made with mushrooms, creamy sauce and chicken – sounds quintessentially Italian. The casserole meal was named after an opera soprano born inRead More
It’s Deadline
The Making of a Magazine…It’s late afternoon, nearing deadline, in the tiny office behind Enjoy the Store. The editor-in-chief peers into the 27-inch screen of her iMac. Her right handRead More
Passion and Compassion
Joanie Smith’s New Venture…When Joanie Smith and her husband moved from Oregon to Redding a few decades ago for his work promotion, they knew there would be changes. Little couldRead More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure
Thinking of Mom
Welcome to Yreka’s Lona Mae’s…When Kimberlee O’Neal moved from Sonora to Yreka a little more than two years ago, she was disappointed about leaving behind the co-op where she’d rentedRead More
Health + Beauty
Pushing for Hope
Coach Natasha Tunnicliffe…A hundred and fifty pounds ago, Natasha Tunnicliffe found herself on the couch scrolling through her phone watching athletes doing CrossFit. A dream flared off in her mind:Read More
Recreation + Outdoors
All Things Outdoors
Etna Creek Outfitters…Growing up on a farm and ranch in central Oregon, Meg and Alison Pick learned how to work together by paying close attention to each other’s needs. “We’veRead More
Food + Dining
Old School Touch
All in the Family at Bud’s Jolly Cone…As a third-generation manager of Bud’s Jolly Kone, Courtny Abbassi knew what she was in for when she stepped up to the plateRead More
Food + Dining
Born to Brew
Humboldt County’s Women-Owned Breweries…Humboldt County has its share of distinctive calling cards: its breathtaking coastline; it is home to the world’s tallest tree; it joins Mendocino and Trinity counties asRead More
Arts + Entertainment
On the Wall
Kim Solga, Mural Artist…Kim Solga’s “studio” is in the open spaces of Siskiyou County, in its streets and mountain meadows. Solga is a mural artist and plein air painter. HerRead More