
California Conservation

Pathway to success with the California Conservation Corps…When 22-year-old Jerry Randolph moved from Arcata to Redding last year to join the California Conservation Corps, she knew she’d be challenged. AfterRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

The State of Skate

The skateboarding scene in the North State…It doesn’t matter if it’s the Dogtown culture of 1970s Santa Monica or the blistering heat at the Redding or Anderson skate parks, there’sRead More
Life + Leisure

Animal Aide Adventurer

Kathy Snyder, vacation volunteer…They say an elephant never forgets. They might be right because at least one retired Redding nurse can remember an elephant who didn’t forget. When Kathy SnyderRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Love of the Climb

Finding a way up with north state climbers…A couple of Christmases ago, Kelly Campbell got her son Larkin, then 14, a gift card for some sessions at a Redding rockRead More
Food + Dining

S’Mores Skillet Cookie

What’s cookin’ – s’mores skillet cookie…Long summer days may be coming to an end but that doesn’t mean our favorite summer flavors have to. You don’t need a campfire toRead More

Rescued With Love

Catz And Dogz of the North State…It began as a personal quest over a community concern.  Someone had reported a litter of kittens running across the drive-thru at the localRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Water Sports Abound

Water Logged…John Muir may have famously written “the mountains are calling and I must go,” but honestly, the lakes and rivers in the North State are worth putting the mountainsRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Resource Conservation

Land that I Love, Tehama County…Soil erosion was brought to Congress’ attention during the Dust Bowl era of the 1930s. It was shown to be the number one priority forRead More

Downtown Redding Details

Plans for a Shady Downtown, August 2020 Update…It’s no secret that one of the 11 herbs and spices in the proprietary blend that makes up Redding is beautiful lush greenery.Read More
Food + Dining

Taco Bean Salad

What’s Cokkin’? Aunt Daphen’s Taco Bean Salad…Family get-togethers mean games, laughter, storytelling and of course, food. During a trip to Missouri to visit my aunt, she pulled out her trustyRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Enjoy The View

Emerald Lake, Stars and Milky Way – Lassen Volcanic…Frank Kratofil enjoys spending time with his family, friends and patients and he enjoys time in the outdoors. As a young man,Read More
Recreation + Outdoors

Bare Necessities

Low-Maintenance Beauty For The Great Outdoors…As many of us head off for what might be the last camping (or glamping) trip of the summer, remember that while a full faceRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Wintu Museum

A history of tradition in Shasta Lake…The Wintu Cultural Museum shares the story of the Wintu Tribe through artifacts, photographs and documents. It’s a look at the past, but alsoRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Manton Monastery

Eat, work, love…Tucked away on 42 acres of Ponderosa pine trees in Manton is the Monastery of St. John, a foundation of prayer, work and love for the Eastern OrthodoxRead More
Community, Food + Dining

Milk & Honey 1860

Skin And Vintage-Style Farm Products…The change in Elizabeth Larson’s ceramic jar wasn’t for a dream vacation or a new car. Yet her family knew it was for something just asRead More

Elmore Pharmacy

More than your neighborhood pharmacy…The vintage neon sign for Elmore Pharmacy that hangs at Walnut and Washington streets in downtown Red Bluff is almost as iconic to the town asRead More

Yreka Sign Restoration

Sign of the past…In 1891, the first “electric spectacular” was installed in New York City – a 50-foot-high by 80-foot-wide outdoor sign containing 1,457 attention-grabbing lamps. Soon after, night displayRead More

Schreder Planetarium

Friendship that’s out of this world…Sometimes, a good friend comes along at just the right moment to remind us of our sense of worth. For the Schreder Planetarium, a NorthRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Nighttime Paddling

The Night Shift…During the summer, it gets pretty hot in these parts and sometimes even the rivers and lakes don’t offer the necessary relief from the heat… during the day,Read More
Community, Life + Leisure

My Town: Dee Donnelson

My Town: Beautiful Landscape, Caring People…To understand how I feel about Trinity County you would have to get a bit of drama background. I had always felt from a youngRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

The Great Outdoors

Siskiyou Outdoor Recreation Alliance…If you’re anywhere near Mount Shasta on the 4th of July, the Annual Walk/Run has been the place to kick off the city’s holiday festivities for theRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Cooling Cascades

On The Trail To Koyom Bukum Sewinom Bo…Smack dab in between North Lake Tahoe and Redding on scenic Highway 89 is a nice little pullout just outside of Quincy andRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Horsin’ Around

The Happy Horses At Rockin Maddy Ranch In Yreka…Just off Interstate 5 on 62 acres of land, there are 10 dogs, 5 cats and 35 happy horses that live onRead More