Recreation + Outdoors

Call of the Wild

Sierra Nevada Red Foxes In Lassen Volcanic National Park…Lassen Volcanic National Park is home to a fluffy fox that is one of the rarest mammals in California. Small, smart, spunkyRead More

Welcome Back

September Venues Reopening…The people who work to bring people together in performing arts venues are breathing big sighs of relief as COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease and stage lights startRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Movers & Shakers

Todd Deck, Tehama County Library Director…Todd Deck remembers his days in graduate school preparing for his master’s degree in library science at Emporia State University. Library Journal was standard readingRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Feeling Good

Boosting Your Immune System in California Adventure District…One of the valuable lessons we are learning during this season is the importance of building a strong, natural immune system. Luckily forRead More
Community, Food + Dining

Orange Appeal

Make A Stop At Joe’s Giant Orange in Shasta Lake…Just off I-5, a big plastered painted orange sits perched in front of what is dutifully named Joe’s Giant Orange Café.Read More

Downtown Details

Thank You For Supporting Downtown Redding Businesses…Be the change. In order to revitalize Downtown Redding, Viva Downtown and other groups have worked with a set of Eight Principles. These principlesRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Recreation + Outdoors

Enjoy The View

Pastels – Trinidad Pier…Marnie Patchett is a fine art photographer specializing in long exposure, black-and-white and light painting photography. Whether capturing a moment in time or a period of timeRead More
Food + Dining

What’s Cookin’

Lemon Raspberry Muffins…September 2021 RecipeMuffins are a classic breakfast favorite, and these lemon raspberry muffins are no exception. They’re perfectly moist, bursting with juicy raspberries, have a crunchy sugar topRead More
Food + Dining

Art or Science?

Find Out More About Molecular Gastronomy…“Cooking is an art, but all art requires knowing something about the techniques and materialsUsing modernist techniques, you get more control, and that allows youRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Caring for Nature

Siskiyou Outdoor Recreation Alliance Stewardship Corps…Conservationist John Muir once remarked, “The mountains are calling and I must go,” a summons that many followed this past year during the uncertainty ofRead More
Life + Leisure

Make A Difference

Small Steps For Big Change…“I’d love to volunteer, if I only had more time.” “I’d love to do more traveling, if only I had more money.” “I’d love to learnRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Cool Blue Jewel

Siskiyou’s Turquoise Gem — McCloud Reservoir… Just 10 miles south of the historic logging town of McCloud, the McCloud Reservoir, or “the Res” as it’s known to locals, is aRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Who… New

Shane Drake, Donny Osmond, a Song and a Parking Garage…While one’s mind might jump to Mt. Shasta or the Sundial Bridge when considering the local amenities most likely to landRead More
Food + Dining

What’s Cookin’?

Roasted Tomatillo Salsa Verde…August 2021 RecipeTomatillos are plentiful in our garden this year, but readily available at stores and farmers markets as well.This bright, tangy roasted tomatillo salsa is deliciousRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Take A Stand

Paddling the Sacramento River…Just after the break of dawn at the Sundial Bridge in Redding, groups of paddlers in human-powered vessels of all shapes and sizes steadily launch into theRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

In A Cavern

Lake Shasta Caverns and the International Year of Caves and Karst…Caves have been friends to people for more than a million years, so it’s only appropriate the geological formations enjoyRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Hot On The Trail

Four Great Siskiyou Stops Along the Pacific Crest Trail…For 2,650 miles, the Pacific Crest Trail weaves from the border of Mexico to Canada. Some 7,000 hikers trek the path eachRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Get ‘Er Done

Jan Pluim – Craftsman Extraordinaire…It takes a while to settle on a title for Jan Pluim, 84, who keeps a large and immaculate workshop near his Red Bluff home. HeRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Finding Water

Top Watering Holes to Help You Cool Off…With Summer in full swing, the desire to cool down in a body of water becomes a natural draw. Luckily, in the CaliforniaRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors


Gold Prospecting In The North State…Gold was once a deadly serious business in Northern California. Lust for it spawned a boom and bust that scarred the land and displaced aRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Environmental Education

A Healthier Future With Butte Environmental Council…A lot has changed in the four-plus decades since the Butte Environmental Council started the first multi-use curbside recycling service in Butte County, severalRead More

My Town: Revitalized

Larry Morgon…I moved to Redding from Southern California in December 1980 to start a new job with the City of Redding. Basically, I followed my parents north as my fatherRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Choose Your Adventure

Discover Something New…The world around us is filled with opportunities for exploration. Discovering a new hobby, immersing ourselves in nature, road-tripping to a new-to-us spot and expanding our educational horizonsRead More