Life + Leisure

Step Into the Light

The Power to Light up a Room…Lighting. It’s more than just a necessary function in a home or office. Some could argue it’s the gateway to comfort, safety and wellnessRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

What I Enjoy – Brian Salado

Brian Salado | Real estate broker and co-owner of The Real Estate Group…Family: Wife Dawna, son Riley and daughters Taya and RaeganWhat do you love most about living in theRead More
Life + Leisure

On the Record

Celebrate Record Day with Mike Quinn…Redding resident Mike Quinn has built an impressive record collection over nearly six decades since buying his first album – Jimi Hendrix, “Are You Experienced”Read More
Community, Life + Leisure

Reviving Style: Remnants to Runway

Redding Upcycle Fashion Designer Julie Kong…Anderson resident Julie Kong calls her current incarnation as an upcycled fashion designer her second act, but there were hints of it at her previousRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Paws of Progress

A Well-Behaved Dog with Freedom K9…Sometimes people are lucky enough to follow their passions to find their career. “I did not have the intent of starting a business, buying aRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

One Pet at a Time

Shasta County Animal Shelter Raining Cats ‘N’ Dogs…We are still feeling the effects of the COVID pandemic, including in the way of overwhelmed animal shelters. When people stayed at home,Read More
Community, Life + Leisure

Fins & Fur

Red Bluff Aquarium and Pets…When it comes to pet essentials, it is great to have a store that is locally owned, fully stocked and knowledgeable about all pet-related inquiries. MoreRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Out of the Shelter

Tehama County Dog Adventure Program…On any given day, the Tehama County Animal Care Center hosts up to 100 animals. While life may be better for them there than in theRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure

Pet Portraits

Sue Crowe’s Rocks for Dogs…When sue crowe began painting the likenesses of her favorite animal on the kindness rocks she hid around Redding some years back, she never dreamed she’dRead More
Life + Leisure

Rescued Hearts

The Beauty of Four-Legged Friendships…What is a best friend made of? Love, loyalty, laughter and longevity. For our family, best friendship came bearing four legs, the most soulful pair ofRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

What I Enjoy – Kelly Shaw

Kelly Shaw | Veterinarian / Equine surgeon Crossroads Veterinary ClinicWhere did you grow up? On a family ranch in Watsonville, where from as early as I can remember I couldRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Making Tracks

On the Hunt with Bigfoot Daze in Willow Creek…If you’ve ever visited Willow Creek in Humboldt County, you’ve likely picked up on all the nods to Bigfoot. Statues line theRead More
Education, Life + Leisure

Cold Blooded

Redding Reptiles’ Reptile Expo… Have you ever looked closely into the smile of a child handling a snake? First, the brows go up, giving that “I’m actually doing this!” look.Read More
Life + Leisure

Creating Space

IDance Studio in Fort Jones…Dance can be everything from a spontaneous, ecstatic expression to a punishing elite artform. It has the power to heal, initiate, entertain and invigorate, and isRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure

Fiddle Me This

Old Time Fiddlers Keep the Beat…The music came over here from Scotland and Ireland, then wound its way through the hills of Appalachia before traveling westward. All that time itRead More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

Heart Break Hope & Triumph

A Healing Journey with Lesa Brackbill. Mother and Author…“I know this was always supposed to be my story,” says author and former Red Bluff resident Lesa Brackbill. “I don’t wantRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

How Does Your Garden Grow

The Redding Wonderland Garden Club Legacy…“Ladybugs were escaping my kitchen.” Many first graders sat anxiously awaiting their very own ladybug. Just a day earlier, the Redding Garden Club members hadRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

-John O’DonohueWhitewater Rafting on the Trinity River…Our raft rushed toward the edge of a waterfall, carried inexorably on a white froth of icy snowmelt. A rock wall loomed to ourRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

What I Enjoy – Dr. Justin Holt, O.D.

Dr. Justin Holt, O.D.OptometristWhat do you enjoy most about your job? I truly love what I do. Every part of it. I love being able to help others with theirRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

One Mile at a Time

One a Mission with Bike Against Trafficking…This summer, Redding locals Justin and Anica Pierson and their friends will bike around the United States to join the fight against human trafficking.Read More