Food + Dining
Eggs-ellent -Choice-
Spring Veggie Frittata…The word “Frittata” translates roughly in Italian to “fried.” But to me, frittatas are the very definition of versatility, simplicity and deliciousness. (Plus, it’s just fun to say!)Read More
Recreation + Outdoors
Top CAD Trail Picks, 2022…California Adventure District encompasses 38,000 square miles of iconic California and it is home to six national forests: Lassen, Mendocino, Shasta-Trinity, Klamath, Plumas, and Modoc. ThisRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community
In Retrospect
The Artistic Legacy of Tom O’Hara…Although he died two years ago, Tom O’Hara still has a strong presence in Siskiyou County. His eye- catching murals adorn the walls of hardwareRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors
Let’s Play Ball
Walker Field in Fort Jones…Driving into Fort Jones on Highway 3 from Yreka, it’s hard not to notice the large baseball field and stadium on the right-hand side of theRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Culture of Fire
Bill Tripp and the Karuk Relationship with Fire…Typically, kids are told not to play with fire. Not so in Bill Tripp’s family. When he was 4 years old, growing upRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Find Your Heartbeat
The Joy of Camping…They’re the places where it’s so quiet you can hear your own heartbeat, where wildflowers bloom in all the colors of the rainbow, where sheer rock wallsRead More
Community, Food + Dining
Recipe for Success
Red Bluff’s Izzy’s Bagels…Long-time residents of Red Bluff remember with great fondness the Bear Flag Republic, a popular coffee house that was also a gathering place. Its closure in theRead More
Life + Leisure
One Man Band
In Tune with Jacob Akana…It didn’t take long for Sheri Eby Noble to realize that with Jacob Akana, she had a prodigy on her hands. After just his second fiddleRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
One Tree at a Time
The Jonsteen Company…Born out of a friendship and mutual fondness of arbors, Jonathan Claasen and Steen Christensen are aiming to save the world one tree at a time through theirRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors
A Lambs Tale
Tawanda Farms in Montague…It’s not every day that someone winds up business partners with another mother they’ve met through their child’s preschool. But that’s just what happened to Carol PasheilichRead More
Life + Leisure
Dearest Mom
Sweet Ways to Honor the Mom in Your Life…Mom. She’s your first best friend. Your biggest cheerleader, even at times when you haven’t believed in yourself. Your lifelong protector. HowRead More
My Town – Tracy Edwards
CEO, Redding Rancheriamy town: my homeI am the granddaughter of the late respected Tribal elder Betty Benner. I am of Pit River descent and a member and CEO of theRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors
Rough & Ready
Roughout Ranch Foundation…When Kathleen O’Donnell left her home in Amador County, she headed north to Redding in search of a more purposeful life. She wanted to combine her love ofRead More
Food + Dining
Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Muffins
This recipe is the perfect solution for dealing with those brown bananas you often find sitting on your counter. Moist and chocolatey with the perfect balance of sweet and salty,Read More
Downtown Details – April 2022
Thank You for Supporting Downtown Businesses!Redding is developing a great new Downtown. In most cases, a great Downtown offers residents and visitors a popular gathering space to socialize, places toRead More
Food + Dining
Widening the Range
Bison Chili…Herds of Bison have been roaming the plains of North America for 400,000 years. But the meat of this majestic animal is a virtual newcomer to the modern AmericanRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Something Big
Camping with Bigfoot: A Guided Expedition…It was a typical chilly Sunday afternoon in the redwood forest, on January 16, 2022, when a local family of four went for a hike.Read More
Community, Education, Recreation + Outdoors
Oh Honey
Honeybee Discovery Center in Orland…Such is the concern for the honeybee that a mythology has developed around a quote often attributed to renowned physicist Albert Einstein. “If the bee disappearsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Time to Pack Up
Ellen Andrews, Packer for the U.S. Forest Service…“So, stubborn a a mule is a real thing. You’ve gotta have some buy-in from the mule if you want to get anywhere,”Read More
Health + Beauty
Art of Glass
Wavelength’s Tracey Lynn Claims a Piece of History…The sentinels of stained glass and concrete were Market Street fixtures for close to a half-century, adding a touch of grace to Redding’sRead More
Arts + Entertainment
A New Melody
Piano Angels Hit the Right Note…Pianos are filled with hammers, strings and pedals, of course, but they’re also composed of music, emotions and memories. Which is why when they leaveRead More
Recreation + Outdoors
Ropin’ & Ridin’
Thrills and Spills at the Etna Rodeo…Few Scott Valley traditions are as revered as the two rodeos that take place at Etna’s Scott Valley Pleasure Park on the first SundayRead More
Arts + Entertainment
Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Star
Ray McDonald: Merle Haggard was a Friend of Mine…Ray McDonald Loved his job. He spun records for Bakersfield radio station KBBY in the wee hours in 1968. Since landing theRead More