Education, Life + Leisure

The Power of the Spoken Word

Poetry Out Loud…We all know that high school students date, play sports and video games, and connect on social media. But here’s something unusual: Every year in California and acrossRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure

To Keep the Legacy Alive

Better Walnuts in Red Bluff…For Asa Robinson, Better Walnuts, the direct-to-consumer sales program of his family’s decades-old farm in Red Bluff, is more than a way to market a healthy,Read More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Good to Grow

Annie Hilton’s California Peony Company…A peony’s stunning bloom and sweet aroma are hard to miss, especially when they’re some of the first blossoms in spring. Depending on the variety, individualRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure

The Great Escape

Elk Cove Inn & Spa and Sibo Restaurant…It’s a long drive to the southern Mendocino Coast. As the ghost pines and blue oaks of California’s interior give way to coastalRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

You Know the Drill

Scott Valley Drill Team…The wild west may be awash in images of a lone rider and horse, but being an equestrian can also be a team sport. Just ask KatieRead More
Life + Leisure

Let’s Roll

Shasta Classics Car Club…For more than 30 years, Shasta Classics Car Club has provided a space for members to meet up and chat about their old cars. In the wordsRead More
Life + Leisure

In His DNA

A New Project for Steve Wallace to Work Mustang Magic…A line of classic cars spans for a literal mile. Ten thousand attendees show up every day. 1950s-style sunglasses, enough toRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

All for the Hall

Prorodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy…When the Prorodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy opened in 1979 in Colorado Springs, Colo., it hadRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure

Painting Perfection

Jim Tyner, Car Painter…Jim Tyner rattles off his latest projects with the ease of an old-school body and paint guy: “I just finished a ’55 Chevy in royal blue withRead More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

Thinking of Mom

Welcome to Yreka’s Lona Mae’s…When Kimberlee O’Neal moved from Sonora to Yreka a little more than two years ago, she was disappointed about leaving behind the co-op where she’d rentedRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

A Book to Love

Amber Treat’s Shop Around the Corner Books…“It was a dream. . . you think it will probably never happen, but it’s fun to think about,” says Amber Treat about openingRead More
Life + Leisure

Pretty in Pinc

Restoring History at the Pinc Lady Mansion…Illuminating an air of elegance, sophistication and sparkle just like Queen Victoria herself during her reign, The Pinc Lady stands tall on 202 MRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure

A Sweet Discovery

Crockett’s Up North in Weaverville…“Everybody in town likes that she’s there,” says Brian Muir, owner of the Weaverville Hotel & Emporium with his wife, Jeanne. “We’re happy that she’s doingRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Of Greens and Gowns

Expanding the Offerings At Tierra Oaks Golf Club…The fairways at Tierra Oaks Golf Club have been filled with golfers in search of birdies since the course opened in 1993. Now,Read More
Life + Leisure

When Boy Meets Girl

Jayden + Logan Taylor’s Love Story…It is a rarity to find your true love and the person you’re going to marry when you are just 10 years old. It soundsRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Mountain Magic

Weddings on the Mountain…Volcanoes exude a force that has the power to change the landscape and lives. So perhaps there’s no better way to express the passion of saying “IRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

A Seat at the Table

Jesse and Aaron Palmer’s Haven Collective…To this day, Jesse Palmer remembers how nervous he was for Haven Collective’s first wedding. He planned to arrive early, which turned out to beRead More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

Puttin’ on the Ritz

Tuxedo Den is Back in the Family…“When somebody comes through our door, we want to treat them like family,” Austin Benbrook says of Tuxedo Den, a family-owned formalwear company withRead More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

Exquisite Creations

Angelia Boero, Dress Maker…Imagine falling asleep every night as a child, staring down your mother’s sewing machine across the room. For Angelia Boero, it spurred her curiosity for design. WhoRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Crown Jewel

The Kraft in Red Bluff…Real estate broker Nels Leen has been buying property and managing buildings for decades now and has a decidedly businesslike take on the ventures. “Most ofRead More