Recreation + Outdoors

Beyond the Tent

All Inclusive Camping with Out Livin’ Adventure Glamping…Why stress about an outdoor adventure trip when you can go straight to the fun? It’s a question that married business partners JasonRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

-John O’DonohueWhitewater Rafting on the Trinity River…Our raft rushed toward the edge of a waterfall, carried inexorably on a white froth of icy snowmelt. A rock wall loomed to ourRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

One Mile at a Time

One a Mission with Bike Against Trafficking…This summer, Redding locals Justin and Anica Pierson and their friends will bike around the United States to join the fight against human trafficking.Read More
Food + Dining, Recreation + Outdoors

Steeped in History

The Ranch in Salyer…Built in 1911, The Ranch in Salyer is still family- owned and thriving, its fourth generation owner Nicolé McCullough turning it into a historically unique and secludedRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Good to Grow

Annie Hilton’s California Peony Company…A peony’s stunning bloom and sweet aroma are hard to miss, especially when they’re some of the first blossoms in spring. Depending on the variety, individualRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

You Know the Drill

Scott Valley Drill Team…The wild west may be awash in images of a lone rider and horse, but being an equestrian can also be a team sport. Just ask KatieRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Take it Out Back

The Backcountry Horsemen of California Redwood Unit…A picture posted to Facebook shows 13 horses and 12 riders standing tall with their horses in front of the famous Carson Mansion inRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

All for the Hall

Prorodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy…When the Prorodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy opened in 1979 in Colorado Springs, Colo., it hadRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Hail to the King

Triple Crown Winner RC Landingham…The rodeo world has had plenty of opportunity in the last two years to find the eastern Shasta County community of Hat Creek on a map.Read More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

75 Years in the Making

Redding Rodeo Set to Celebrate 75th Anniversary…Red Rock was the right bull at the right time and Lane Frost was the perfect cowboy for the situation at hand when theRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

What I Enjoy – J. B. Stacy

J. B. StacyGeneral Manager – Red Bluff Round-UpWhat I enjoy most about the North State and why: I love the fact that it is small-town America, but I can beRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

All Things Outdoors

Etna Creek Outfitters…Growing up on a farm and ranch in central Oregon, Meg and Alison Pick learned how to work together by paying close attention to each other’s needs. “We’veRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Parks’ Positivity

Giving Back to the Community with Tori Parks…It’s Thanksgiving Day, the morning of the annual Turkey Trot race in Caldwell Park, and Tori Parks is scrambling around making sure theRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Mountain Magic

Weddings on the Mountain…Volcanoes exude a force that has the power to change the landscape and lives. So perhaps there’s no better way to express the passion of saying “IRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Building Community

Enjoy the Outdoors at Palo Cedro Park…This month, Enjoy spoke with Andy Main, incoming president of the Palo Cedro Park board of directors.Enjoy: How long has Palo Cedro Park beenRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

New Terrain

Mt. Shasta Ski Park Unleashes New Terrain for the North State Skiers and Riders…Aa temperatures drop to below freezing in Northern California, the resort located at the base of theRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Stay Active

More than a Gym at the Siskiyou Family YMCA…The YMCA, sometimes called the Y, is a worldwide youth organization that serves millions of people in 10,000 different communities in theRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Off to the Snow

Sledding is Fun for the Whole Family…The wind is rushing past your face. The nip of winter bites in an exciting kind of way. You sail down the mountain.No, youRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Diamond in the Rough: Coppervale Ski Area…Between Westwood and Susanville, a little-known ski area called Coppervale sits on a plot of land at a 5,200-foot base elevation. Its peak elevationRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

In Reserve

Lakehead Volunteer Fire Company 54…This month, Enjoy spoke with CAL FIRE’s Scott Corn, assistant chief of the Shasta-Trinity Unit’s Central Division, about the Lakehead Volunteer Fire Company 54 and itsRead More