
Downtown Details – April 2022

Thank You for Supporting Downtown Businesses!Redding is developing a great new Downtown. In most cases, a great Downtown offers residents and visitors a popular gathering space to socialize, places toRead More
Title Image with a Close Up of a Bee on a Flower
Community, Education, Recreation + Outdoors

Oh Honey

Honeybee Discovery Center in Orland…Such is the concern for the honeybee that a mythology has developed around a quote often attributed to renowned physicist Albert Einstein. “If the bee disappearsRead More
Title Image with Horse Tour Crossing a River
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

All Things Horse Related

Cottonwood Creek Equestrian CenterA Northern California’s gathering place for anything horse-related, Cottonwood Creek Equestrian Center prides itself on keeping happy, healthy horses.The full-service equestrian boarding and training center has beenRead More
Picture of Michele McEntire

My Town – Michele McEntire

Owner, Founder and Operator Elite Barre Fitness Studiomy town: making memoriesMy love for Shasta Lake began around 6 months old, when my parents spent weekends and vacations on Slaughterhouse Island.Read More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Garden Party

Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens…In a forested canyon not far from Interstate 5, white dogwoods open their buds, Shasta lilies dot the hillsides and fragrant Western azaleas scent the air, signaling theRead More

Downtown Details

Downtown Redding is a Main Street America Designated District. Over the past several years, Viva Downtown Redding has operated a program that builds on Downtown assets to encourage investment andRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Patterns of History

Connecting Communities with Barn Quilts…Barn quilts have told stories about rural America for hundreds of years. A type of folk art, farmers once painted these large, quilt-like blocks on theirRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

State of the Art

3D-Printing Technology for Houses Comes to Northern California…A pair of Redding businessmen are adopting state-of-the-art 3D-printing technology to help address the chronic shortage of affordable housing in the North State.AsRead More
Community, Education

The League

LWV, Redding Area: An Integral Part of Women’s History Month…As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we are grateful for progress made over the last century. And one of the mostRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

In the Spring of Things

Small Steps For a Fresh StartSpringtime. It’s the fresh start we’ve waited all winter for. The air is laden with newness. The birds are singing their sweetest songs. The grassRead More
Picture of Phillip Moller. Community Cultivator inf Red Bluff CA.

My Town: Phillip Moller

Community Cultivator Red Bluffmy town: champion for changeRed Bluff has a lot of people who make our tiny town feel big. They are the agents of change, volunteering many hoursRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Call of the Wild

Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation… In all seasons and circumstances – including raging wildfires and a pandemic – the all-volunteer team at Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation dedicates itself toRead More

Downtown Details

Thank you for supporting downtown Redding Businesses!Last year saw the unveiling of many new murals in Downtown Redding. Community murals are a mode of expression for artists in every graphicRead More

Agent of Change

Growing and Building Community with Sean Rix…Sean Rix has an Energizer Bunny quality, one where you find him all over Red Bluff working hard to enhance his community and hisRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community, Life + Leisure

Telling Her Story

Kimberly Boney’s Handmade Jewelry…Vintage. Modern. Glam. Natural. Old and new, simultaneously. Each piece of handmade, vintage, upcycled and repurposed jewelry created for HerStory Vintage is just as unique, joyful andRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

The Price is Right

Gable Price and Friends…Like many students who move far from home, Gable Price, 23, had his doubts after his first year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. “I was reallyRead More
Community, Food + Dining, Life + Leisure

Well Grounded

True to the Brew at Brew Craft Coffee…“With How Long this shop has been here, we didn’t want to change anything because we wanted everyone to know that it wasRead More

Dream Big

Nuriddin Ziyadinov’s Uplifting Journey… Some 20 years ago, a boy tended sheep to help pay for his schooling in a small town on the outskirts of Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan. Alone inRead More

My Town – Abby Yeager

Executive DirectorHappy Camp Community CenterMy Town: Positive Change…Happy Camp is my hometown, although I wasn’t born here. I didn’t even live here as a child, though I spent Christmas andRead More

Fill in the Gap

Connecting to care for individuals with special needs.It is ironic that an organization providing vital, life-changing communications support to some of the most underserved members of rural Northern California communitiesRead More