Community, Life + Leisure

My Town: So Close

JENNA RYAN – M.A., BCBA Co-owner, Best Behavior…I moved to Redding from the Bay Area the summer before seventh grade and quickly fell in love with the North State. AfterRead More
Community, Food + Dining

Seeds To Live By

Stewarding Well With Homeward Bounty Farms….. The seeds of farmer Kate O’Brien-Mann’s journey back to Siskiyou County were planted in her youth. “Probably like a lot of teenagers, I neverRead More

Downtown Details

Downtown Redding Soon to See a Fresh Start…Read More
Community, Food + Dining, Life + Leisure

Safe & Tea

Dr. Richard Wickenheiser, Tehama County Health Officer…Hard to imagine, but there was a time when a county health officer could live and work in relative obscurity. “As long as we’reRead More
Community, Food + Dining

Change Can Be Good

Molly Glenn’s Healthy Living Cookbook…Sometimes, it’s the little things. Just ask Molly and Carolyn Glenn, who have managed to become healthier and lose weight by making a few substitutions replacingRead More

My Town: David Simmons

My Town: The Best of Everything… David Simmons, owner of Strong City Strength and Conditioning…I am a Northern California native who grew up around the east side of the SanRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Hope For The Holidays

Dignity For Christmas…During the holiday season, many struggling families are at the mercy of secondhand donations and charities offering pre-selected gifts for children. This can feel disempowering, especially to parentsRead More
Community, Food + Dining

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Grab a Warm Drink From a Local Coffeehouse…A winter ensemble just isn’t complete without a cup of something warm to drink. Jackets, scarves and mittens will stave off a chill,Read More

Blue Christmas

Redding Police Department’s Operation Blue Santa…Normally, when a neighborhood’s calm is shattered by a line of police cars roaring in – lights flashing, sirens blaring – someone’s in trouble. ButRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Jingle Bell Rock

Gaumer’s Jewelry, Museum and Lapidary in Red Bluff…In all the Gaumer family stories of rock collecting, nothing beats the original, the one that set a path to rock hounding asRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Deck The Halls

Shasta College’s Poinsettia Project…Not many plants look jolly in winter. The poinsettia is an exception. It dazzles in December, making it a holiday season favorite. “A lot of people haveRead More

My Town: Emily Baker

Emily Baker is a Brand Ambassador for the Chico Honey Company and describes her town of Capay as “tight-knit.”Glenn County has been the home of my family for more thanRead More

Good Tidings

The Downtown Redding Christmas Tree with Jim Calhoun…There’s something new in store for a Redding holiday tradition that’s marking its 101st year this month.The 70-foot fir tree proudly standing atRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

All is Bright

Garden of Lights at Turtle Bay in Redding, CA…With its eyebrow-raising price tag of $1 million, Jake Mangas knew Garden of Lights – the dazzling holiday display that runs throughRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

O Christmas Tree

The search for the perfect Christmas tree…As Thanksgiving gratitude gives way to holiday cheer, for many people it also marks the start of the season for a time-honored tradition: theRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Rejoice in Hope

Living with expectancy in 2021…With the dawn of every new year is a chance to leave the previous one behind in search of new horizons – opportunities to make betterRead More

My Town: Carl Bott

Where the heart is with retired Marine and Co-Owner of Free Fire Media, Carl Bott…I met Linda the night before I deployed back to Fallujah, Iraq, at an award showRead More

From Sea to Shining Sea

Shasta Division Naval Sea Cadet Corps…Like a lot of boys contemplating their future, 15-year-old Joseph VanHorn was thinking about serving his country when he got older. His mother, Heather VanHorn,Read More

Downtown Details

What’s Happening in Downtown Redding, November 2020…Read More