Recreation + Outdoors

From the Ashes

Siskiyou County Lava Belt…From Redding, a straight shot up Interstate 5 into Siskiyou County reveals a geologic wonderland. “If you look at I-5 as being the dividing line, the westernRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Biking the Bizz

Enjoy the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail…On a sunny summer midweek afternoon, my boyfriend Jason and I are on the corner of Main Street and Gay in downtown Susanville, waitingRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Past & Future

The Revitalization of Redding’s South City Park…With a firm handshake and warm look in his eye, John Tasello leaned in across the table. “I gotta tell ya.” I pulled inRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Environmental Education

When Learning Comes Naturally…Students at Dunsmuir Elementary School sometimes take detours from the normal classroom experience. For example, they might pretend they’re banana peels headed for the compost pile inRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

This Land

Shasta Land Trust…THIS MONTH, Enjoy spoke with Paul Vienneau, executive director of the Shasta Land Trust, about its role in environmental stewardship and land conservation within the region.ENJOY: How doRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Playing it Cool

Cooling Off in the California Adventure District…With summer in full swing, the desire to cool down, especially in a body of water, becomes a natural draw. Luckily the California AdventureRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors


Iruai Winery in Scott Valley…“Bacchus Amat Colles,” goes the Latin saying. Or, to put it in English: “Bacchus loves the hills.” Undoubtedly the Roman god of wine knew a thingRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Fish Tale

McCloud River Redband Trout…One of the most famous fish in the world comes from Siskiyou County’s scenic McCloud River. Identified as the McCloud River Redband Trout, this subspecies of rainbowsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

5K Finish

Three Shasta Wheelman Vie for Top Mileage…Late last spring, three competitive bicyclists rolled leisurely toward the finish line. Gary Nelson, Keith Elzner and Cindy Begbie took it easy because thisRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Dive on In

Howell’s Dive and Mining Shop in Redding…On the corner of Market Street and Eureka Way in downtown Redding, the side of an aquamarine building shows a peaceful mural of seaRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

First Fruits

Kitchel Family Organics in Los Molinos…There are a few jobs as hard as farming, but perhaps even fewer as rewarding. John and Lana Kitchel of Kitchel Family Organics have seenRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Birds Eye View

Watching the Eagles at Turtle Bay with Terri Lhuillier…“Hi! How are you?” calls the Eagle Lady. “See our eagle up here?”Terri Lhuillier, pronounced Lu-WILL-yer, greets passersby on a southern stretchRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

The Big One

Making the Catch with the Simpson Bass Team…Nathan Phillips had hoped baseball would be his ticket to a college education until a shoulder injury curtailed that dream. He never thoughtRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

To the Extreme

Xtreme Adventure Rentals Takes the Hassle out of Maintenance…If you’re looking for fun ways to get out in the mountains or on the lake thissummer, then Xtreme Adventure Rentals inRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

My Town – Doug Cole

Mountain Marble Dude Ranchmy town: bondedWhen I was 14, my family moved to California and I was introduced to California whitewater rafting through my local Boy Scout troop. Repeated tripsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Backyard Adventure

Explore Shasta County – CAD Visitors Guide…With 3,800 square miles of territory, Shasta County is one very large outdoor adventure playground, and with a population density of about 46 peopleRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Public Space

The Creation of Paul Garrison Picnic Pavilion in Fort Jones…Forgotten and unused places in cities and towns present the perfect opportunity to reimagine public space and how it’s consumed. SuchRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Ride On

Norcal Boomtown BMX Rides Again…On a recent Friday night, a handful of kids of all ages and their parents are gathered at the NorCal Boomtown BMX track at Margaret PolfRead More
Recreation + Outdoors


Top CAD Trail Picks, 2022…California Adventure District encompasses 38,000 square miles of iconic California and it is home to six national forests: Lassen, Mendocino, Shasta-Trinity, Klamath, Plumas, and Modoc. ThisRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Let’s Play Ball

Walker Field in Fort Jones…Driving into Fort Jones on Highway 3 from Yreka, it’s hard not to notice the large baseball field and stadium on the right-hand side of theRead More