Recreation + Outdoors

Culture of Fire

Bill Tripp and the Karuk Relationship with Fire…Typically, kids are told not to play with fire. Not so in Bill Tripp’s family. When he was 4 years old, growing upRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Find Your Heartbeat

The Joy of Camping…They’re the places where it’s so quiet you can hear your own heartbeat, where wildflowers bloom in all the colors of the rainbow, where sheer rock wallsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

One Tree at a Time

The Jonsteen Company…Born out of a friendship and mutual fondness of arbors, Jonathan Claasen and Steen Christensen are aiming to save the world one tree at a time through theirRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

A Lambs Tale

Tawanda Farms in Montague…It’s not every day that someone winds up business partners with another mother they’ve met through their child’s preschool. But that’s just what happened to Carol PasheilichRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Rough & Ready

Roughout Ranch Foundation…When Kathleen O’Donnell left her home in Amador County, she headed north to Redding in search of a more purposeful life. She wanted to combine her love ofRead More
Title Image with a Bigfoot in a Forest
Recreation + Outdoors

Something Big

Camping with Bigfoot: A Guided Expedition…It was a typical chilly Sunday afternoon in the redwood forest, on January 16, 2022, when a local family of four went for a hike.Read More
Title Image with a Close Up of a Bee on a Flower
Community, Education, Recreation + Outdoors

Oh Honey

Honeybee Discovery Center in Orland…Such is the concern for the honeybee that a mythology has developed around a quote often attributed to renowned physicist Albert Einstein. “If the bee disappearsRead More
Title Image with Woman on a Forest Service Mule
Recreation + Outdoors

Time to Pack Up

Ellen Andrews, Packer for the U.S. Forest Service…“So, stubborn a a mule is a real thing. You’ve gotta have some buy-in from the mule if you want to get anywhere,”Read More
Title Image with a Man on a Bucking Horse at a Rodeo
Recreation + Outdoors

Ropin’ & Ridin’

Thrills and Spills at the Etna Rodeo…Few Scott Valley traditions are as revered as the two rodeos that take place at Etna’s Scott Valley Pleasure Park on the first SundayRead More
Title Image with Eagle Perched on Sign at Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge
Recreation + Outdoors

Take Refuge

Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge…Established in 1928 1928 by President Calvin Coolidge “as a preserve and breeding ground for wild birds and animals,” the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge offersRead More
Title Image with Field of Poppies in the Background
Recreation + Outdoors

Practically Picture Prefect

The California Poppy…Can you name California’s official state mineral? State fossil? How about the state lichen?Hmmm. Not so easy. But odds are you know California’s state flower. California poppy (EschscholziaRead More
Title Image with Horse Tour Crossing a River
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

All Things Horse Related

Cottonwood Creek Equestrian CenterA Northern California’s gathering place for anything horse-related, Cottonwood Creek Equestrian Center prides itself on keeping happy, healthy horses.The full-service equestrian boarding and training center has beenRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Garden Party

Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens…In a forested canyon not far from Interstate 5, white dogwoods open their buds, Shasta lilies dot the hillsides and fragrant Western azaleas scent the air, signaling theRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Seek and Explore Adventure Land

Shasta County’s Great OutdoorsWith almost 3,800 square miles of an outdoor adventure playground, Shasta County is the fourth-largest county in the California Adventure District, behind Siskiyou (6,200), Lassen (4,500) andRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Saddle Up

Saddle Time Retreats Cycling Experiences…They say time flies when you’re having fun. This goes doubly true, they say, if they are having fun flying down one of the many bicycleRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Trail Time

Take a Stroll on the Sisson-Callahan TrailA transplanted easterner and some early tourists to the Mount Shasta region are to thank for one of the great hiking experiences around here.InRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

I Choose Archery

Take Aim with Ishi Archery…About two and a half miles up Highway 36 East from Highway 99 in Red Bluff is one of the state’s oldest archery clubs, a placeRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

In the Spring of Things

Small Steps For a Fresh StartSpringtime. It’s the fresh start we’ve waited all winter for. The air is laden with newness. The birds are singing their sweetest songs. The grassRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Call of the Wild

Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation… In all seasons and circumstances – including raging wildfires and a pandemic – the all-volunteer team at Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation dedicates itself toRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

It’s a Nice Day for a Wild Wedding

Wedding on Location…There are a very few days on life’s calendar that have the power to match the magic of your wedding day, but a beautiful, serene, off-the-beaten-path locale canRead More