Jesse and Aaron Palmer’s Haven Collective… To this day, Jesse Palmer remembers how nervous he was for Haven Collective’s first wedding. He planned to arrive early, which turned out to …
Art Outside
Sacramento River Trail Bridge Murals… Bicyclists, scooterers and serious strollers just discovered new colors on the Sacramento River Trail. For those who cross the ribbon bridge just downstream of the …
Doing Well
Shasta High School Wellness Center, Part Two… The Shasta High School Wellness Center held its official grand opening celebration last May – nearly the end of Mental Health Awareness Month, …
Road to Wellness
Shasta High Wellness Center… Big school news this year – a Redding high school just welcomed returning and new students with a fully furnished, million-dollar wellness center. Shasta High School …
Birds Eye View
Watching the Eagles at Turtle Bay with Terri Lhuillier… “Hi! How are you?” calls the Eagle Lady. “See our eagle up here?” Terri Lhuillier, pronounced Lu-WILL-yer, greets passersby on a …
Sun Struck
Learn Something New with Sundial Tours… Her name is Sundial Bridge. Turtle Bay Exploration Park tour guides will tell you her height is 217 feet, her length 720 feet, width …
Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Star
Ray McDonald: Merle Haggard was a Friend of Mine… Ray McDonald Loved his job. He spun records for Bakersfield radio station KBBY in the wee hours in 1968. Since landing …
Dream Big
Some 20 years ago, a boy tended sheep to help pay for his schooling in a small town on the outskirts of Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan. Alone in the pasture with his flock, the boy dreamed the dreams all boys dream, of what he would come to be.