Life + Leisure

my town: AARON HATCH

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Co-Founder – Woven Capital Redding…Despite recently turning 40 and having a school-aged child of my own, I still consider myself a hometown kid… or as I sometimesRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community


Naturegraph’s Barbara Brown…When I met Barbara Brown some 20 years ago, she was a spry 70-year-old, running her backcountry book publishing business as a one-woman operation. She ran the printingRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Siskiyou On Tap

Great stops along the Siskiyou Beer Trail…Northern California has had a major influence on the way Americans enjoy craft beer, from San Francisco’s Anchor Steam to Chico’s Sierra Nevada BrewingRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Summer’s Comin’

Free things to do in the North State this summer…The sight of light reflecting on a lake. The sound of the waves crashing against a seashell-covered shore and the subsequentRead More
Community, Food + Dining

The Big Cheese

Take the I-5 Cheese Tour…While many people know that happy cows come from California, not too many people know about the passionate and friendly cheesemakers from the northern part whoRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Out Of This World

Tune in to Blue Dot Report…Spacesuits, earthquakes, wildfires, oddball planets and surfing culture. In an expanding universe, Dave Schlom sees little need to constrain topics for his popular radio show,Read More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Just Breathe

29 Rows Lavender Farm…The scent of fresh lavender fills the air as bees buzz from the purple blooms. It mixes and diffuses in the air with a sweet, subtle tone,Read More

Flight Plan

What’s on the horizon for the Redding Airport…With all the good news coming out of Redding Municipal Airport these days, it wouldn’t be surprising if Jim Wadleigh, the city’s airportRead More
Food + Dining

More Than Simple Grains

Artisan bread at Grain Street Bakery in Etna…Bread in its many forms, is the most widely consumed food in the world, and has been for thousands of years. Baking asRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community, Life + Leisure

Modern Education

Shasta College’s Joe Wyse Leads The Way…Shasta College is an expansive place with a sprawling mission. It began just over 70 years ago on a small Eureka Way campus inRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Elevate Your Ride

Mountain Biking With Shasta Gravity Adventures…Brimming with small-town vibes, alpine rides and spectacular side adventures, Mount Shasta is becoming a mountain biker’s dream destination. “First of all, it’s easy toRead More
Life + Leisure

Love Language

The Gift of Quality Time…Quality Time. It is more than just an often-pursued-but-rarely-achieved buzzword. It sounds great on paper, but it can be a lofty goal for many, since sharedRead More
Community, Food + Dining, Life + Leisure

Mom’s The Word

Make Mom’s Day Fundraiser Supports KIXE and Shasta Library Foundation…Redding public television station KIXE and the Shasta Library Foundation are cooking up a special meal to make this Mother’s DayRead More
Food + Dining

Family Night Pizza In A Bowl

April 2021 Recipe…This hearty pizza salad is a filled with lots of meats, cheeses and an assortment of yummy toppings. Addwhatever pizza cravings you might like. Enjoy!SALAD DRESSING INGREDIENTS:½ cupRead More
Food + Dining

Incredible Edible

Hard-Boiled Eggs, Superfood…I feel sorry for the traditional hard-boiled Easter egg. Once a prominent feature in Easter baskets, the incredible edible ovoid now takes a proverbial back seat to plasticRead More
Community, Food + Dining, Recreation + Outdoors

Planting Seeds

Siskiyou County Communities Gardening Together…Gardening can often be challenging, but in Etna, the challenges are of near-Biblical proportions. Gardeners there have to contend with deer, jackrabbits and grasshoppers, not toRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Take The Trails

The CAD 2021 Trail Collection…California Adventure District is home to six national forests: Shasta-Trinity, Klamath, Plumas, Lassen and Mendocino. This summer, have some fun and make it a goal toRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

Deep Roots

The City of Chico’s Tree Efforts…Leafy and shady. Not a bad vibe for a city, and Chico embraces it. The city of Chico’s tree efforts are comprehensive and multi-branched. ForRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

All The Pretty Horses

Jordan McWilliams’ Backcountry Equine…Perhaps no animal embodies wild America like the mustang. Mostly ranging across public lands in the western United States, they descend from domesticated horses brought to NorthRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Taste of Fame

Karolyn Grimes’ Wonderful Life…She was a little girl and it was a small part in the movie, but that turn as Zuzu in “It’s a Wonderful Life” was very bigRead More

My Town With Andy Main

My Town: Growing – Andy Main in Redding, CAI was born in Redding and was raised near the Sacramento River with my four brothers, mom and dad and a menagerieRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Wild and Scenic Film Festival

Redding Tour: Live Stream Event…The Whole Earth and Watershed Festival and Shasta Living Streets are excited to be bringing the 2021 Wild & Scenic Film Festival – Redding Tour toRead More
Food + Dining

A Hull Lotta Nuts

North State Hulling…For decades, Northern California has been known for growing almonds, the meaty, portable snack chock-full of protein and heart-healthy fats. In 1968, North State Hulling formed to helpRead More