Downtown Details
Thank You For Supporting Downtown Redding Businesses…
Be the change. In order to revitalize Downtown Redding, Viva Downtown and other groups have worked with a set of Eight Principles. These principles can be used in any project, large or small. The first four is how we start. 1. For successful, sustainable, long-term change, we need a comprehensive plan and a complete approach. 2. We must want to change! 3. If we want something done, we have to do it ourselves. No one else can do our job for us. 4. We need to all work together and form partnerships to make things happen.
The next four is how we make a better community. 5. We need to build on our assets. Downtown has many great things we can celebrate and use to make further improvements. Retaining and enhancing local assets must be the foundation for our work. 6. We must emphasize quality in every aspect of revitalization. This applies to all elements of the process. 7. Improvements need to happen incrementally. While large, catalytic projects are important, successful revitalization programs include basic, simple activities that regularly demonstrate new things are happening in Downtown Redding. 8. To succeed, we must show visible results that can only come from completing projects. Frequent, visible changes are a reminder that our revitalization effort is succeeding.
Want to be a part of the change? Check out our Viva Downtown volunteer committees at

Blake Fisher – Viva Downtown Program Coordinator

Two exciting events are in the works this September with Viva Downtown’s 25-Year Celebration and The 2021 State of the City Redding Better Together presentation and block party. On Thursday, September 9, party with Viva Downtown from 5-8pm on the reopened Market Street to celebrate 25 years since our first summer of Marketfest. This event is open to the public, and like a classic Marketfest, expect beer, wine, street vendors and live music performed by the David Luning Band. Then on Friday, September 24, join the Redding Chamber of Commerce and The City of Redding at 4pm for the 2021 State of the City, Redding Better Together. This year, the State of the City will be presented at the historic Cascade Theatre with Mayor Erin Resner addressing the community about the accomplishments and future projects of Redding. After the presentation, we skip the usual luncheon and head over through Umbrella Alley to the new streets for the State of the City Block Party for beer, wine, steam whistles, photo opportunities and live music by the talented local group, The Cadence. See you there!
Zoe’s Travel Shoppe – New to Downtown, Zoe’s Travel Shoppe is a locally owned business specializing in all types of traveler’s needs. Travel safe with RFID and anti-theft bags and purses, or go simple with the RFID blocking sleeves for credit cards and passports. They have packing cubes and folders to help get your month long excursion in a carry-on size suitcase or backpack. Best of all, they can help get you get ready for your next exciting trip. From city streets to country gravel your fun begins at Zoe’s Travel!
1712 California St., Redding • 530.338.2091

Schreder Planetarium – Schreder Planetarium is pleased to offer evening programs every other Friday to the public, and field trips to schools. Enjoy their new state-of-the-art projection and audio system, new customized star shows, and a double feature of traditional, professional, full-dome shows. Shows feel vivid and nearly three-dimensional and the night sky is bright and twinkly. Schreder Planetarium celebrated its 40-year anniversary January 2020 and continues to be a valued asset for youth and community members. Check out the show schedule, purchase tickets online and learn more at their website or Facebook page.
1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding • (530) 225-0295

Shasta County Office of Education