Life + Leisure

Summer Safety

Care for Pets in the Warmer Weather…As Summer brings longer days and rising temperatures, it’s important to remember that the heat and seasonal changes can challenge our pets. Here areRead More
Life + Leisure

Bark and Stay

Nor Cal Pet Services Provides a Home Away from Home…A loving, reassuring gaze into your eyes when you need it most. A perfectly timed side eye to express profound yetRead More
Life + Leisure

Critter Companions

Best Pets for Kids…Choosing the right pet for your child can be a rewarding experience, offering companionship and teaching responsibility. It’s important to select a pet that matches your child’sRead More
Life + Leisure

Life is Golden

Golden Age Center in Trinity County…Q&A with Robbie Dileo, Director of the Golden Age Center in Trinity CountyEnjoy: What is the primary mission of The Golden Age Center?Dileo: The GoldenRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure


Woodlab Designs Wood Stickers in Humboldt County…One thing that Northern California is known for is its massive number of trees, and in Humboldt County they are massively sized. While outRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Picnic Perfect

Elevate Your Outdoor Gathering…Summers were made for impromptu picnic lunches and dinners alfresco. But who says what’s in your basket or on your outdoor dining table has to be basic,Read More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Mountain Sound Celebration

Catch Some Tunes with the Mt. Shasta Concert Series…Now in its tenth year, the Mt. Shasta Concert Series is hoping for another exciting summer. “The concerts are family-friendly. They’re alsoRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Sky High Spectacular

The North State’s 4th of July Fireworks Light up the Night…The North State is gearing up for a dazzling array of fireworks shows that promise to light up the skiesRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

What I Enjoy – Cathy Holliday

Cathy HollidayRetired; lodge partnerFamily:Husband RogerWhat is your favorite thing about running the Indian Creek Lodge? It’s the most beautiful place to be. On the river is our office. We get lotsRead More
Life + Leisure

These Boots are Made for Walking

Dave’s Boots in Red Bluff…For better and for worse, the internet has found a way to meet the needs of most households. And while most anything can be found there,Read More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

It’s the Bees Knees

Saving the Bees with SisQ Bee Club…Bees have a remarkable sense of community and cooperation. “They’re what’s known as a super organism, which means that one bee by itself won’tRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

How Does Your Garden Grow

Plantable Nursery & Cafe Plants Seeds of Transformation…In Scotland, Kirkwood and Donna Hale fell in love with the United Kingdom version of a garden center that combines a nursery andRead More
Life + Leisure

At Home, in the Mountains

The New Summit Lofts in Mt. Shasta…When heading off Interstate 5 toward Mount Shasta, it’s hard to miss the new two-story boutique hotel at the main intersection downtown. The renovatedRead More
Life + Leisure

Who’s Ready for an Adventure?

20 Family- Friendly Things to do in the North State…From the majestic peaks of Mount Shasta to the pristine waters of Lake Shasta and the rugged wilderness of the TrinityRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Go Hawaiian

Sandy Jones, Redding Senior Citizen Hula Dance Instructor…“Ma kau kau?” calls the teacher.Ready?“Ae!” answers the class in unison.Yes!Their chatter stops short, and all members of the intermediate hula dancing classRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Well Planted

Locally Sown at Tiffany Devault’s Kindred Garden“Locally sown to be locally grown” says the Kindred Gardens website, a family-owned plant nursery that operates on about a quarter acre in Weed.Read More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

Willing to do the Work

Champion of the Community and Chiropractic, DR. Kay Kobe, DC…In the heart of the vibrant community of the City of Shasta Lake, one extraordinary woman stands out as a beaconRead More
Health + Beauty, Life + Leisure

Mission: You in Charge

Michele Woods and the Mercy Palliative Care Team…Michele Woods had been quite content with her work as a cancer nurse when her boss at Mercy Medical Center Redding, Sister BrendaRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

What I Enjoy – Cameron Middleton

Cameron MiddletonMarried to Cassie, father to Cole Realtor with House of Realty, Inc. Asphalt Cowboy Top PuncherWhat do you enjoy most about living in the North State? Reno claims toRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Birds of a Feather

Dan Greaney’s Bird Words Book…What Dan Greaney doesn’t know about birds could probably fit in a sparrow’s beak. Much of what he does know is featured in his recently published book, “BirdWords,”Read More