Community, Life + Leisure

Mercy Hospice, Angels Of Mercy And Festival Of Trees

Care and Compassion…HOSPICE – I ‘d heard of it, but never knew what it meant until my family needed Mercy Hospice. I always thought the word itself had a niceRead More
Community, Life + Leisure

Mentors Recruited And Trained At Catalyst Mentoring

Time Well Invested…“How do mentors win?” prompts the trainer.“BY SHOWING UP!” calls the class.Back when Aaron Hayes taught at a local continuation school, he picked up on a story floatingRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Love In High Places

On the Lookout…With twenty-three years of experience in a fire lookout, Barry Snyder has a succinct description of how life there can change when smoke is spotted. “It’s like goingRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Jennifer Jewell’s Cultivating Place

Garden Jargon…Jennifer Jewell takes gardening beyond tomato, lawn and rosebush.The host of North State Public Radio’s “Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden” approaches gardensRead More