Spicy & Tangy Goodness

Terry OlsonFood + Dining

5-Minute Chimichurri… The first time. I tasted the garlicky, spicy and tangy goodness of chimichurri sauce was in an Argentinian restaurant in Mexico. It was served alongside my order of …

Soup’s Cold

Terry OlsonFood + Dining

No-Hassle, No-Cook Gazpacho… What do you do when it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk and you are craving soup? The last thing you want to do …

Eggs-ellent -Choice-

Terry OlsonFood + Dining

Spring Veggie Frittata… The word “Frittata” translates roughly in Italian to “fried.” But to me, frittatas are the very definition of versatility, simplicity and deliciousness. (Plus, it’s just fun to …

Life’s a Picnic

Terry OlsonFood + Dining

Delicious Cold Fried Chicken… We’ve all heard the old saw, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” For the glass-half-empty folks, March means windy, unpredictable …

Lobster Tails

Terry OlsonFood + Dining

For many of us, Valentine’s Day dinner means getting a reservation at a fancy restaurant and forking over more money than you normally do for a delicious meal. That’s a fine idea. But a delicious dinner at home can be even finer and the memories even more unforgettable.