Sean Rix has an Energizer Bunny quality, one where you find him all over Red Bluff working hard to enhance his community and his business as an insurance agent. He’s grown to love the community he officially started calling home in 2011, and it, in turn, has embraced him.
The Price is Right
Like many students who move far from home, Gable Price, 23, had his doubts after his first year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.
Well Grounded
“With How Long this shop has been here, we didn’t want to change anything because we wanted everyone to know that it was still the same, just with new owners,” says Donald Perigo.
My Town – Abby Yeager
Happy Camp is my hometown, although I wasn’t born here. I didn’t even live here as a child, though I spent Christmas and summers with my grandparents. It wasn’t until high school that I moved here from the Bay Area to live with my grandparents when my mom lost her job.
Downtown Details
Thank you for supporting downtown Redding businesses. What a great time for those of us who love our Downtown to think about ways we can improve Downtown Redding for everyone. …
My Town: Revitalized
Larry Morgon… I moved to Redding from Southern California in December 1980 to start a new job with the City of Redding. Basically, I followed my parents north as my …
Backroad Adventures
Experience the Open Road From Callahan to Gazelle… Some roads are meant to connect points A and B. Then, some roads are all about the journey in between. Such is …
Naturegraph’s Barbara Brown… When I met Barbara Brown some 20 years ago, she was a spry 70-year-old, running her backcountry book publishing business as a one-woman operation. She ran the …
Siskiyou On Tap
Great stops along the Siskiyou Beer Trail… Northern California has had a major influence on the way Americans enjoy craft beer, from San Francisco’s Anchor Steam to Chico’s Sierra Nevada …
Mom’s The Word
Make Mom’s Day Fundraiser Supports KIXE and Shasta Library Foundation… Redding public television station KIXE and the Shasta Library Foundation are cooking up a special meal to make this Mother’s …