Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Mountain Sound Celebration

Catch Some Tunes with the Mt. Shasta Concert Series…Now in its tenth year, the Mt. Shasta Concert Series is hoping for another exciting summer. “The concerts are family-friendly. They’re alsoRead More
Community, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Sky High Spectacular

The North State’s 4th of July Fireworks Light up the Night…The North State is gearing up for a dazzling array of fireworks shows that promise to light up the skiesRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

It’s the Bees Knees

Saving the Bees with SisQ Bee Club…Bees have a remarkable sense of community and cooperation. “They’re what’s known as a super organism, which means that one bee by itself won’tRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

How Does Your Garden Grow

Plantable Nursery & Cafe Plants Seeds of Transformation…In Scotland, Kirkwood and Donna Hale fell in love with the United Kingdom version of a garden center that combines a nursery andRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

On the Trail of Something Good

The Beauty and the Benefits of the Sacramento River Trail…Talk with enough people on the Sacramento River Trail, and you hear the same words of wonder, of admiration and reasonsRead More
Recreation + Outdoors

All the Pretty Horses

On the Range with the Wild Horse Fire Brigade…William Simpson II has had multiple careers as a pilot, Merchant Marine officer, and commercial fisherman. Now, at 71, with his ownRead More
Food + Dining, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Well Planted

Locally Sown at Tiffany Devault’s Kindred Garden“Locally sown to be locally grown” says the Kindred Gardens website, a family-owned plant nursery that operates on about a quarter acre in Weed.Read More
Food + Dining, Recreation + Outdoors

Berry Delicious

Rudy’s Boysen Berry Farm…With a maiden name of Boysen, Jeanette “Nettie” Boysen Fitzgerald knew she had a connection to the boysenberry plant via her grandfather, Rudy Boysen, who developed itRead More
Community, Giving Back, Recreation + Outdoors

A Time to Grow Back Stronger

Rebuilding Whiskeytown Environmental School…Between 1970 and 2018, some 134,000 fifth- and sixth-graders got to splash in Clear Creek, hike, camp overnight, marvel at star-filled skies and learn about the naturalRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Birds of a Feather

Dan Greaney’s Bird Words Book…What Dan Greaney doesn’t know about birds could probably fit in a sparrow’s beak. Much of what he does know is featured in his recently published book, “BirdWords,”Read More
Recreation + Outdoors

Living the Adventure

Hit the Trail for the Bigfoot Adventure Challenge…It’s gotta be the socks.How else to explain why nearly 400 people entered last year’s Bigfoot Adventure Challenge last year, completing some 3,050Read More
Food + Dining, Recreation + Outdoors

Where’s the Beef

Know Your Farmer in Siskiyou County…The tagline on the Siskiyou County Cattlewomen’s website is “Top Beef from the Top of the State.” And if you ask a few of theRead More
Giving Back, Recreation + Outdoors

Home on the Range

The Mustang Project…In 1999, Tracy Mohr adopted her first wild mustang. She had grown up with horses, but all of them had been tamed. When Mohr ended up in NorthernRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Daydream Believer

Quinten DeJong Specializes in Personal Training for Race Car Drivers…Decades before NASCAR was born in 1948, there was dirt track racing. Started before World War I, but growing in theRead More
Education, Recreation + Outdoors

Burning Bright

Camp Cinder Helps Integrate Women Into the Fire Service…When Katie Mason went out to find a summer job in her hometown of Yreka, her stepmother encouraged her to apply toRead More
Community, Recreation + Outdoors

Cyclist’s Haven

Downtown Redding’s Bike Depot…Can you envision Redding transformed into a cyclist’s haven, linked to a network of trails that provide safe, easy access to your job downtown? You could rideRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Limitless Potential

Girls on the Run…At a regional park on a warm spring day, hundreds of girls of all ages are pumping themselves up to run a 5K. For many, this isRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Navigating the Nile of the West

Forging the Sacramento River from Mount Shasta to the Golden Gate Bridge…“When you find a good adventure buddy, it’s like hitting the jackpot,” says outdoor enthusiast and paddler Ari Kosel.Read More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

About the Journey

Reaching New Heights with Shasta Mountain Guides…In 1856, the Shasta Courier proclaimed: “September 16, the famous mountain Shasta Butte was ascended by a party of ladies, where they celebrated theRead More
Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Scenic Setting

Shasta View Lodge in McCloud…A fairytale mountain wedding requires the perfect blend of seclusion, serenity and scenery, and the newly renovated Shasta View Lodge in McCloud offers all of itRead More