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Latino Outreach of Tehama County…
We reached Out to Araceli Gutierrez, President of Latino Outreach of Tehama County to find out more about their goals.
Enjoy: What inspired the creation of Latino Outreach of Tehama County?
Gutierrez: We wanted to help connect services available in Tehama County to local residents and Spanish-speaking individuals. We help give access to health and educational services, including supporting art activities for healing, especially during COVID for those grieving the loss of family members.
Enjoy: What is the mission of the organization?
Gutierrez: Our mission is to uplift our local multicultural community through equitable access to services. We strive to connect people in our community to existing services and enrich the lives of our families.

Enjoy: How does this organization engage with youth and families to provide support, mentorship and educational opportunities?
Gutierrez: We connect families to local college services that have one-on-one support, including universities available in the North State. We help bridge the gaps for higher education by giving sponsorships yearly to Tehama County residents. We also host events and fairs yearly to bring services to the hard-to-reach areas of Tehama County.
Enjoy: Could you discuss any specific initiatives or programs focused on economic empowerment and financial literacy within the Latino community and what impact they have?
Gutierrez: This has always been a challenge, but we hope to build a relationship with local realtors to help support the families to better prepare with financial literacy, those first-time home buyers.
Enjoy: How does Latino Outreach of Tehama County engage with local employers and businesses to create opportunities for employment and career advancement for Latino residents?
Gutierrez: We engage by referring out to local employment agencies. We invite local employers and businesses to be part of our events. As we get more than 1,000 attendees, being present is the best way to connect with the audience we have.

Enjoy: What are some future goals and aspirations for Latino Outreach and how do you envision the organization evolving to better serve the needs of the Latino community in the coming years?
Gutierrez: We hope to hire an office assistant in the near future to help with memberships and follow up on emails and calls, as all the board of directors are volunteers with families and full-time jobs. We are at a place where we are looking for office space and hiring someone local and bilingual to assist.
Enjoy: How can individuals, businesses, and the wider community get involved or support the mission and activities of Latino Outreach of Tehama County?
Gutierrez: Support and attend our events, share our efforts and donate. •