Community, Education

Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Jocelyn Olson’s Hands On Experience for Clinical Medical Careers…When she fractured her back while studying at Southern Oregon State University in Ashland, Jocelyn Olson spent her senior year in aRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Let’s Dance

The Beauty, Benefits, and Joy of Dancing…February is the season of love, and in the North State, love is often found on the dance floor. Picture it: the soft strumRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Bells Will Be Ringing

Carillon Handbell Choir…Handbells ringing rhythmically together, reverberating recognizable music is a sound that’s pleasing to anyone’s ears. It is likely the reason handbell choirs are so sought after during theRead More
Education, Historical

Gentleman Bandit

Wells Fargo Stage Bandit Black Bart…Charles Boles was many things. A veteran. A prospector. A teacher. A poet. He was also the most successful Wells Fargo stage bandit in WildRead More

Historical Treasure Hunt

Siskiyou County Museum’s Exhibit of the Hull Brothers…If you like history, cemeteries are really interesting places,” explains Bruce Stiny, who retired as a museum curator for California State Parks andRead More
Arts + Entertainment

All Jazzed Up

Fall into Jazz Festival…It’s been nearly a quarter-century since Redding last hosted a jazz festival, and a pair of jazz-loving musicians think that’s more than long enough.Cleveland Boney, a pianistRead More
Arts, Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure

Art Abounds

Enjoying the Arts in Redding, California…The hallmark of a strong, well-rounded community doesn’t rest solely on its infrastructure, buildings, businesses and school system. It can’t be accounted for merely byRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure

Paying it Forward with the Magic of Music

Local Guitarist Sage Mitchell…When Sage Mitchell picked up his first guitar as a child, he realized something beyond a cool factor of being able to play Nirvana songs. “It wasRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Passing the Torch Carrying On the Mission

Performing Arts Society of Redding…Cherie Gans, a longtime violinist with both the North State and Shasta symphonies, has enjoyed her fair share of classical music performed in large music halls.Read More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure

Link to the Past

Hanging Around with the Quilter’s Sew-ciety of Redding…One of my earliest memories is snuggling up in bed under a quilt my grandmother made by hand. The love my grandma putRead More
Education, Recreation + Outdoors

Blazing a Trail

College of the Siskiyous Fire Technology Program in Weed…Throughout the summer season, firefighters have become an increasingly common sight in Northern California, bravely defending our communities against new and increasinglyRead More
Community, Education, Food + Dining, Historical

A Taste of History

Whiskeytown Lake Harvest Festival Celebrates NorCal Heritage and Historic Fall Foods…Whiskeytown Lake is once again hosting its biggest event of the year, the Harvest Festival, on September 21. From 10am-2pm,Read More
Community, Education

A Quest to Educate

Celebrating 75 Years of Shasta College…Shasta College is the little institution that could. Sometimes considered more of an afterthought with its main campus tucked away in northeast Redding, it quietlyRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Plot Twist

The Historic Avery Memorial Theatre in Etna…The pandemic had a far-reaching impact on numerous industries, and theatres in particular. And for a moment, it seemed as if the historic AveryRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure


Woodlab Designs Wood Stickers in Humboldt County…One thing that Northern California is known for is its massive number of trees, and in Humboldt County they are massively sized. While outRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Recreation + Outdoors


Behind the Scenes at the Redding Freedom Festival…• a fireworks display.• a brilliant performance or display, especially of a specified skill. “ he thrilled his audience with vocal pyrotechnics”• theRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Life + Leisure, Recreation + Outdoors

Mountain Sound Celebration

Catch Some Tunes with the Mt. Shasta Concert Series…Now in its tenth year, the Mt. Shasta Concert Series is hoping for another exciting summer. “The concerts are family-friendly. They’re alsoRead More
Arts, Arts + Entertainment, Community

Center Stage

Shoppe Serendipity in Yreka…“I’ve always loved the arts. It’s in my blood. My grandfather was an artist and I have very creative people in my family. I was born andRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Where Water Flows

Tyler Faires’ Award-Winning ACID Canal Documentary…Like many others, Tyler Faires did not give much thought to the water that came from his kitchen faucet, much less the water that flowedRead More
Education, Historical

Legacy Keepers

A Passion for Heritage at Shasta Historical Society…The Shasta Historical Society wasn’t always the name of the organization that has spent the last 94 years preserving, promoting and bringing theRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Life is a Highway

Motor the Mountain Car Show in McCloud…If there was a word to describe a combination of nostalgia, admiration and enthusiasm, it could be ascribed to classic cars. They evoke aRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

A Horse of Course

The Wild Art Horses of Red Bluff…Downtown Red Bluff is a riot of color and public art these days thanks to the energy and determination of a small group ofRead More
Education, Recreation + Outdoors

Burning Bright

Camp Cinder Helps Integrate Women Into the Fire Service…When Katie Mason went out to find a summer job in her hometown of Yreka, her stepmother encouraged her to apply toRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community

Year of the Dragon

Lunar New Year in Red Bluff…On February 4, an event the likes of which hasn’t been seen since 1908 is returning to Red Bluff in honor of Lunar New Year.Read More
Arts + Entertainment

Sacred Spaces

Explore 15 Dreamy Wedding Venues in the North State…You’ve popped the question, she said “YES!” and now it’s time to tie the knot. But where? Well, the North State offersRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Wedded Bliss

Helpful Hints for Planning Your Wedding…Planning a wedding can be a daunting task. In the whirlwind of wedding planning, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and overlookRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Take It Easy

Easy Events with Jake and Jenn Fontana…The love story between Jake and Jennifer Fontana started back in 2011 at the Red Lion in Redding. Jenn was working for United WayRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Musical Moments

Tehama Concert Series…Morae Arthur remembers being about 8 years old, getting dressed up to attend a concert with her mom and sister in Red Bluff. It was a special eventRead More
Arts + Entertainment

Strokes of Transformation

Of all the remarkable murals that have shown up around Red Bluff in the last few years, there’s a newer one of a Highland cow in the alley behind theRead More
Arts + Entertainment, Community, Giving Back

Spread the Message

Pedal Press of Chico…In 2016, Julia Murphy and Cathryn Carkhuff met while working at the now-closed Chico Peace and Justice Center. They became friends, and over a pizza at Celestino’s,Read More