
What I Enjoy – Bobby Milhouse

Bobby Milhouse
Owner/Founder of Bobby Milhouse Dance, Dance Instructor and Choreographer
Married to Anna Milhouse, two sons, Kingston and Malcolm

What do you like most about living in the North State? My family and I moved to Nor Cal for community and tranquility. We spent the last 11 years in Los Angeles and moving to Redding was a much-needed change of pace. I’ve met so many great people in the community and found a true since of peace here where I can raise my family.

What inspired you to start dancing? Dance started for me at the very young age of 11. I attended a performing arts middle school in Palmetto, Fla., called Manatee School for the Arts where I was exposed to every style of dance. I remember seeing Alvin Ailey’s touring company perform at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota and thinking “I want to do that!” Immediately I went back to school and asked my teacher, “If I want be a dancer, how do I start?” She said, ‘Well, you have to start at the beginning, classical ballet.” My first dance class was me as the only boy in a classical ballet class and I haven’t looked back since.

Photo by M.C. Hunter Photography

What’s your favorite dance style or genre? My favorite dance style would have to be ballroom or partner dancing. My favorite style to teach would be Salsa and my favorite style to dance would be swing. “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing!”

If you could live in any movie universe, which one would you choose? Definitely the world of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” simply because it’s the best of both worlds. Humans and cartoons hanging out in between both worlds, anything is possible!

If you could have any superpower but only for one day, what would it be?
I’d have the power that Bradley Cooper had in the movie “Limitless,” where I’m super smart and see things extremely clearly. I’d invest stocks and spend the day at my computer buying and selling until I came to my senses as a millionaire!

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? On our five-year anniversary, my wife and I rented a car in Paris and drove through the French Countryside all the way down to the South of France and spent another week exploring the French Coastline. It was like time didn’t exist and every time we turned a corner there was something new to see. 

Photo by M.C. Hunter Photography

What’s your go-to karaoke song? It’s more of a package deal and it looks something like this: Song 1 – Billy Joel, “Piano Man” (that warms the crowd up and lets them know you’re here to stay). Song 2 – Prince, “When Doves Cry” (sets the precedent that this guy is serious and we love him for it). Song 3 – Bonnie Tyler, “Total Eclipse of The Heart” (this song is sung as a heartfelt show-stopping duet with a random stranger at the karaoke who I’ve noticed shared the same passion for good music as I do) …and that, my friends, is my “go-to” karaoke experience!

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?
William Shakespeare, but I’d only refer to him as Billy through the course of our meal.

What’s the most bizarre talent you have? I can iron clothes with the best of them. I’m talking no wrinkles, creased slacks, pristine lines, chef’s kiss.

If you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fried calamari or chocolate chip cookies. I can’t choose…maybe both. Yes, I want both!

About enjoymagazine

At Enjoy, the goal is to share all that is good about living in the North State. To see so many people truly enjoy the magazine is an incredible reward for the whole team. Having only exposed the tip of the iceberg when it comes to story ideas, there’s so much more to share with our community in the years to come.

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