Haven for Hope
Trinity Animal Shelter…
We had the opportunity to connect with Christina Merritt, Animal Control Officer at Trinity Animal Shelter.
Enjoy: What is the mission of the Trinity Animal Shelter?
Merritt: We care for the abused, neglected, homeless, abandoned and lost animals of our community as well as connect and support the animal owners in the community.
Enjoy: What services are available?
Merritt: The shelter houses animals for a variety of reasons, including lost/found animals, bite quarantines, Animal Control cases, and animals who belong to people who can no longer care for them. We offer pet adoptions, reuniting families with their found pets, support during natural disaster evacuation, discount certificates for spay and neuter services, and licensing for dogs.
Enjoy: How many animals can the shelter care for at one time?
Merritt: Trick question! We have 17 dog runs and 15 cat kennels, but the number we can house and care for varies with size, age, sex, species and temperament. A litter of puppies or kittens can live together in one enclosure, but at some point they may get too big to share the space or reach an age where they can no longer live in a co-ed kennel.

Enjoy: Do you have animals other than cats and dogs?
Merritt: Although we primarily care for dogs and cats at our Weaverville facility, we occasionally have other types of animals, including livestock. Personally, I’m convinced that goats like to get lost, since they are our most encountered stray livestock. And that also usually means the blackberry bushes at the shelter and the K9 yard at the sheriff’s department benefit from an eco-friendly yard maintenance crew!
Enjoy: What animals are the most difficult to find owners for?
Merritt: Each animal is unique and has their own needs for success in their homes. The shelter staff and volunteers work hard to care for, support and learn about all the animals at our shelter while they are with us to find that home. Whether it’s to reunite an animal and get it back to home or to help find a new forever home for a shelter resident, we ask that people follow our Facebook account and help share our posts. Somewhere out there is the perfect home for every animal and your share might just be the one that connects animal to home.
Enjoy: What kind of volunteer opportunities are there at Trinity Animal Shelter?
Merritt: Our shelter animals love our volunteers. The great volunteers we have are the ones who ensure that the dogs and cats have enrichment, training and one-on-one time. Plus, our shelter is both a temporary house for the animals and also a building with public hours, so anything you can think of that needs doing at your house or in a business needs doing at our shelter: Laundry, dishes, sweeping, mopping, washing windows, etc. All that in addition to the animal care! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, we would love to arrange a day and time for you to tour the facility and see what you might like to help with. •
Trinity Animal Shelter (530) 623-1370, option 1
570 Mountain View St., Weaverville
Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from noon to 4pm