My Town
My Town: The Proverbial Village…
Everyone can find their identity in the city of Redding.
After graduating from college, getting married and having our first child, Bria, we decided to return to my husband’s hometown to open his medical practice. One month after moving here we welcomed our son, Bair, in August of 2009. Even though at that time, my husband’s family had been here for over three decades, I thought I was doomed to lose the social life I crave so much. It could not have been further from the truth. I quickly found out the answer to the phrase I hear all too frequently, “what’s there to do in Redding?”
Our family enjoys all of the opportunities Redding’s outdoors has to offer. The mountains, lakes, and the river provide so many outdoor activities, such as kayaking, boating, water skiing and not to forget hunting, hiking and fishing. The soccer park has become our outdoor home. There are now many craft beer and wine venues to explore, along with a variety of choice restaurants and eateries. Redding has come into its own and will keep you busy with the numerous community events and activities available to you.
Growing up in the cities of Sacramento and San Diego provides anonymity without a close- knit community. The ability and willingness to connect and make a change in Redding are palpable. I wanted to contribute to the youth in our community and founded LaunchPad 4 Kids, Inc. The nonprofit is designed to help kids gain access to extracurricular activities. As a result, I’ve come to learn how vast the levels of philanthropy our community invests in children. This incredible city is filled with change-makers ready to make an impact.
Redding has become the proverbial village for our family. Randy and I consider ourselves lucky to live amongst family and so many wonderful friends who have a heart for My Town.
The Socialife Diaries, Brand Strategist