What I Enjoy – The Enjoy Team

Alexis LeClair
Family: 3 kids, two dogs, husband, Jack
Years in the north state: 34, five generations
What do you like most about living in the North State? Community. Nature, its offerings and how they band together.
What’s one food you’ll never eat again and why? Twinkies. When I was a teenager, I ate a whole box and it made me sick.

Catherine Hunt
Family: Longtime boyfriend, 8 cats
Years in the North State: 8. Originally from San Diego
What do you like most about livinging the North State? I like the calm relaxed lifestyle, and beautiful landscapes.
What’s your go-to karaoke song? Mr. Brightside by the Killers because I know the words and it’s easy to sing.

Connie Blanc
Family: Husband Gary, daughter and step sons, one yellow lab, Asher
Years in the North State: My whole life. Different parts, not always Redding.
What do you like most about living in the North State? The recreation, boating, hiking, paddle boarding, anything around water.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give your teenage self? Live every moment. Don’t worry about the small stuff.

Darryll Alvey
Family: Wife Ronda, daughters Piper and Erron
Years in the North State: Since 1973 (Eureka); and 1975 (Redding)
What do you like most about living in the North State? Fewer people than Southern California, scenery, mountains and lakes.
What’s the most random item in your refrigerator right now? A syringe with tooth whitener

Dean Adams
Family: Wife Michelle, daughter Reece, dog Diesel
Years in the North State: 56 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The great outdoors and being close to family.
What’s your favorite holiday tradition or unique way you celebrate? Christmas eve with family, games.

James Mazzotta
Family: Wife Yvonne, 3 sons
Years in the north state: Off and on for 52 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The mountains, open space, waters.
What’s the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten? Did you like it?Rocky Mountain Oysters. No!

Jeannine Hendrickson
Family: Twin girls, 28 years old
Years in the north state: 24 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The outdoors, not too big, not too small. Great for small business owners. Great spots for horseback riding.
What’s the most recent show you binge-watched? Bridgerton.

Jen Vermaas
Family: Husband + cat
Years in the north state: Since 1974
What do you like most about living in the North State? Familiarity in the beautiful scenery.
Who would play you in a movie about your life and what genre would it be? Winona Ryder, Horror

Jenni Blevins
Family: Married + a dog
Years in the north state: A little over three years.
What do you like most about living in the North State? I like how people are concerned about and take care of the environment (recycling, conservation, etc.)
What’s the most memorable adventure you’ve ever had? Traveling from London to Italy.

Jessica Zettlemoyer
Family: 2 kids
Years in the north state: 12 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The people, nature.
What’s your guilty pleasure food? Coffee.

Jon Lewis
Family: Lone wolf
Years in the north state: 39 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The four seasons (minus summer!) and the easy living. Plenty to do, not too expensive, minimal traffic and good people.
If you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be? Italian.

Josh Carey
Family: Wife Rachel, sons Zeke and August
Years in the north state: 18 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? Bike trails, living quality,my wife
What’s the most bizarre talent you have? I can make quite a few balloon animals.

Kayla Anderson
Family: Boyfriend and house rabbit Maple
What do you like most about the North State? Outdoor recreation opportunities and hardworking people. Being close to the Sacramento River, Whiskeytown, Shasta Lake and Mt. Shasta.
If you could eliminate one food from existence, which would you choose? Canned peas. They’re mushy and disgusting,what is the point of them?

Kerri Schuette
Family: Husband Jim, Kids Maddie, Eric and Zach
Years in the north state: 1978-1992,then 1998 to present
What do you like most about living in the North State? Lots of paddleboard places
What was your childhood dream job? Vet for healthy animals.

Kevin Gates
Family: Sons, Michael and Brandon
Years in the north state: 55 of 59 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? There is still open country and freedom (space)
If you could instantly master any skill what would it be? Play electric piano

Kimberly Boney
Family: Husband Cleveland, sons Braxton and Alex, dogs Dooberry and Kylie
Years in the north state: 16 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The natural beauty, fall colors and stunning skies are my favorite.
Which fictional character would you bring to life and hang out with for a day? “Towanda” – an alter ego mentioned in the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes.”

Marjan White
Family: Husband Ron, son Trevor
Years in the north state: 28 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? Natural beauty
If you could swap lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Elon Musk because he meets amazing people and comes up with the coolest ideas.

Megan Peterson
Family: Married, two kids, two dogs and a cat
Years in the north state: Born in Chico
What do you like most about living in the North State? Four seasons, space, history.
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be? Bell bottoms and fringe

Melinda Hunter
Family: Terry, 2 kids, Haley and Dalton, grandson Taylor
Years in the north state: 31 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The beauty, community, Enjoy Magazine
If you could guest-star on any TV show or movie, past or present, which one would it be? Finding Nemo, Dory, “just keep swimming.”

Melissa Mondonca
Years in the north state: 35 years
What do you like most about the North State? The abundance of fresh, locally grown foods and products.
If you had to give a red talk on any topic, what would it be? My TED talk would be on the power of expanding your perspective through travel and cultural curiosity.

Michael O’Brian
Family: Married to Grace, 6 kids, 7 grand kids
Years in the north state: On and off since 1983
What do you like most about living in the North State? Rain (I currently live in Arizona = no rain),, Enjoy Magazine
If you could invite any three people – dead or alive – to dinner, who would it be? John Denver, my father, my step-father.

Michelle Adams
Family: Husband Dean, daughter Reece, dog Diesel
Years in the north state: 45 or so years
What do you like most about living in the North State? Having deer and turkey in my backyard.
What’s the last picture you took on your phone? Our dog Diesel, wrapped in a blanket.

Reece Adams
Family: Mom Michelle, Dad Dean, dog Diesel
Years in the north state: 18 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? Bethel Church, mountains
What’s your guilty pleasure TV show, movie or book? Gossip Girl

Richard DuPertuis
Years in the north state: 22 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? Outdoors
If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower and your superhero name? My super power would be a truth seeker and I’d call out all the misinformation on social media. My name would be The Irritator.

Ronda Alvey
Family: Husband Darryll, 2 sons, 2 daughters, 6 grand kids
Years in the north state: 28 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The people, trails, Enjoy Magazine,
Riverfront Playhouse
If you were able to live in a different country for a year, where would you go? New Zealand

Stacie Moore
Family: 2 kids
Years in the north state: Since 1970
What do you like most about living in the North State? My family is here, the beauty of the area, family atmosphere.
If you could switch lives with any animal for a day, which one would you choose and why? A pampered house cat so I can sleep in the sun all day.

Terry Olson
Family: Wife Cathy, dog Fred, cat Doug
What you like best about the North State? The endless possibilities.
What might you be famous for in another life? Zen Master

Yvonne Mazzotta
Family: Husband James, 3 boys
Years in the north state: 47 years
What do you like most about living in the North State? The seasons
If you could instantly relocate to any other city or country, where would you go and why? French Riviera,for the food and culture