What I Enjoy – Liz Suetta Barker
Liz Suetta Barker – Chief Operations Officer at Empire Drywall, Inc.
HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED IN YOUR BUSINESSES? In 2008, my husband and I started Empire Drywall, Inc. However, at that time, I was engaged in another career and was not involved in the business’ daily operations. As we grew in the number of employees (currently 20) and projects we were taking on, I joined the team full- time to meet the need. Recently, I also got involved in Barker Memorials & Monuments. My in-laws bought a marker and memorial business that had been local since the 1950s and renamed it Barker Memorials. When my father-in-law fell ill, I started helping and discovered that assisting families in creating a memorial can have a positive impact and help them find peace. After my mother- in-law retired, I decided to acquire the business, and it has become a profession that is close to my heart.
WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT LIVING IN THE NORTH STATE? The breathtaking views and the strong sense of community. We are fortunate to have a community driven by volunteerism and support, which can be felt at local events and businesses. The views and sunsets are simply stunning.

IF YOU COULD CHOOSE ONE HISTORICAL BUILDING IN YOUR CITY TO RENOVATE OR RESTORE, WHICH ONE WOULD IT BE? Oh, if only I could bring back the Carnegie Library! Every time I see the picture, my heart gasps that it was demolished.
IF YOU COULD BE A PROFESSIONAL AT ANY SPORT OR HOBBY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Wildlife rehabilitator, especially for foxes and birds of prey.
WHAT’S YOUR WEIRDEST OR MOST IRRATIONAL FEAR? Getting hit by mistake at a game by flying objects, like a baseball or hockey puck. Yikes!
IF YOU COULD ACQUIRE ANY NEW SKILL OR TALENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Public speaking. So many have the ability to be witty and engaging in front of large groups. I would love that talent.
IF YOU COULD SWITCH LIVES WITH A FAMOUS HISTORICAL FIGURE FOR A DAY, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO DURING THAT DAY? Hedy Lamarr. How fabulous it would be to play with radio waves in the morning and discover what would become Wi-Fi and GPS, then of course, go out as Hollywood’s most beautiful starlet that night. I share a birthdate with her and have always adored her.
IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY SUPERPOWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE? To give all of us grace and understanding toward others.