It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Most Memorable Gifts…
The holidays are a shiny time of year, marked by goodwill, grand gestures and those small, seemingly inconsequential kindnesses that have a way of staying with us. The warm, happy feelings that are evoked as friends and family meet – as strangers become friends and the joy of the season leaves every heart fuller than it came – linger long after the calendar turns. There is inherent joy in receiving beautifully packaged gifts during the holidays, but there is pure magic in the giving, too.
Gifts are often thought to be something tangible, an item that can be held, played with, worn or admired. But sometimes the best gifts come in the form of a person, an experience, or an indelible, life-shifting feeling. This month, we asked Enjoy Magazine readers to share the most memorable gift they have ever given or received. Their responses are gifts we will cherish for always.

The Gift That Wrote My Future
“The best Christmas gift I ever received was an Olivetti Studio 45 typewriter when I was 14. It was a manual, portable model that my parents gave me. They knew I dreamed of being a newspaperman, and the gift was their way of saying, ‘We believe in you.’ The typewriter was tangible proof of that. I spent countless hours typing away, crafting stories and honing my skills. That typewriter shaped my identity and became the foundation of a 50-year career in journalism, a career that paid the bills and brought me indescribable joy. The typewriter keys typed out my career, stroke by stroke, word by word, page by page. Every article I wrote was a testament to the faith my parents placed in me. I am forever grateful. Their encouragement was the true gift, pointing me in the right direction and shaping my future. I love being a newspaperman, and I love my parents for believing in me.”
– Terry O.

Santa’s Sweetest Gift
“When I was 5 years old, my cousins and I received a hobby horse from Santa. It seemed like a magical thing, giving us tons of giggles, keeping us from getting under foot of my mom, aunt and Nana as they cooked the Christmas dinner, and imbuing the spirit of sharing. When I found this 65-year-old photo – with our faces showing pure joy at the occasion – it reminded me of why we all still remember that special gift and talk about it every year at the holidays.”
– Marla O.

The Living Gift
“My parents had six kids within a span of 10 years. Looking back, it was wonderfully chaotic, but growing up in such a close, loving family was a true gift. One of my favorite holiday memories is from when I was 15. My oldest brother, who was serving in the Army, surprised us with an unexpected visit. I still remember the pure joy that filled the room as he walked through the door on Christmas morning, a big smile on his face and his Army duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Having the whole family together that Christmas felt magical and seeing my parents so happy made it the best gift of all.”
– Ronda A.

A Gift with Wings
“More than eight years ago, I lost my 18-year-old son, Brady, in a motorcycle accident. It’s a life-defining moment that forever changed me and my family. We’ve done various things to keep his memory alive, but holidays are tough. Brady was probably in elementary school when he made an angel out of paper plates and glitter for a holiday art project. It was stashed away with all the kids’ stuff. One day, when my partner Michelle and I were talking about finding a permanent angel for our Christmas tree, she said, ‘Why don’t we use Brady’s angel?’ It has been a fixture atop our tree for several years and is a reminder that Brady might not be here physically, but he is still alive in everything he touched.”
– Aaron W.

A Gift Wrapped in Tartan
“Among all my holiday memories, one gift sparked a lifelong love for fashion – a red tartan plaid bathing suit. Growing up in Southern California, swimsuits were essential, but this Christmas present was different. With its one-piece design and playful ruffles, it felt like couture and wearing it made my next birthday party extra special. That plaid suit stayed with me, influencing my style in Christmas dresses and kilt-style skirts, blending festive tradition with everyday wear. Sometimes, it’s the smallest gifts that leave the deepest marks—a little plaid swimsuit that started my fashion obsession and still colors my memories today.”
– Yvonne M.

Legacy is a Gift
“A few years ago, for Christmas, my dad gave me this book that he created for his junior high project. He created this back in 1957, building the wood cover in his garage with his dad. It is beautifully written, and it’s a piece of history. As a writer myself, I cherish this. The dedication reads: ‘This report is dedicated to Bob Anderson who having been in Japan for two years helped to inspire a good feeling towards the people and country of Japan.’ My dad was referring to former Redding Mayor, Robert Anderson. This ‘report’ is a 65-page hardbound book written in amazing cursive, and he totally underplays it. Writing something like this is what I aspire to, and maybe this also helped inspire my own love of travel.”
– Kayla A.

Experience is a Gift
“I’ve always considered travel one of the best gifts I could ever give myself, and one I’ve always wanted to share with my family. Raising my son as a citizen of the world – one who finds love, respect, and appreciation for people, cultures and places he’s never encountered – has been at the top of my list of priorities as a parent. When the world was still reeling from the ripple-effects of the pandemic, my husband, son and I applied for passports. We knew it would be a while before we would put them to use, but having something to look forward to after a period of such uncertainty felt like hope in action. Just before Christmas, those passports arrived. We tucked them in our son’s first grown-up luggage set – a gift within a gift. He was excited about the luggage, but his smile when he saw the passports was joy personified.”
– Kimberly B.

The Long-Awaited Gift
“The best and most memorable gift was the gift of a healthy baby boy on December 30, 2023. After a few years of trying unsuccessfully to start a family, the news of a healthy pregnancy early in 2023 felt like a gift in itself. But the fear of complications didn’t fully leave until the early morning hours of December 30 – after nearly 24 hours of labor. The moment I heard him cry and held him in my arms, I knew God had blessed us with a miracle and the best gift I could ever have imagined. Welcome to the world, little one.”
– Katie H.